An algorithm for splitting line segments at their intersections.
Calculates the intersections of a set of line segments and splits the line segments at their intersections.
Implements a modified version of the Bentley–Ottmann algorithm described in de Berg, Mark, et al. Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications (2008).
Requires gcc 4.7+ or clang 3.1+, cmake 2.8.12+, gmock 1.7+ for building the tests (optional),
hayai for building the benchmarks (optional) and doxygen for generating the documentatíon (also optional).
In the project root run:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To install the library at the location defined by the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
variable run make install
inside the build
to build a static library (shared by default).
Run make doc
to generate the documentation (doxygen must be installed and and found by cmake).
Clone googletest into <project-root>/googletest
and set the cmake variable BUILD_TESTS=ON
git clone
cd build
Install hayai, set the cmake variable BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON
then run the benchmark executable.
#include <intersectionsplitter/intersectionsplitter.h>
#include <intersectionsplitter/printutils.h>
int main(int, char**) {
std::vector<intersectionsplitter::LineSegmentPtr> input = {
intersectionsplitter::LineSegment::create(0,2, 4,2),
intersectionsplitter::LineSegment::create(2,4, 2,0)
std::cout << "Splitting: " << std::endl << input << std::endl;
std::vector<intersectionsplitter::LineSegmentPtr> result = intersectionsplitter::splitLineSegmentsAtIntersections(input);
std::cout << "Result: " << std::endl << result;
return 0;
[s: (0, 2), e: (4, 2), len: 4]
[s: (2, 4), e: (2, 0), len: 4]
[s: (2, 2), e: (2, 0), len: 2]
[s: (2, 2), e: (4, 2), len: 2]
[s: (2, 4), e: (2, 2), len: 2]
[s: (0, 2), e: (2, 2), len: 2]