项目作者: rogeriopvl

项目描述 :
🌷 Convert compass degrees into points of the compass and vice versa
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rogeriopvl/windrose.git
创建时间: 2015-01-12T21:07:36Z

开源协议:MIT License



Build Status Greenkeeper badge


Windrose is a javascript browser/node module that converts compass degrees into compass points and vice versa.

Getting Started


  1. npm install windrose --save


  1. bower install windrose --save



  1. var Windrose = require('windrose');
  2. Windrose.getPoint(225); /* returns { symbol: 'SW', name: 'South West', depth: 1 } */
  3. Windrose.getPoint(236.25); /* returns { symbol: SWbW, name: 'South West by West', depth: 3 } */
  4. Windrose.getPoint(236.25, { depth: 0 }); /* returns { symbol: 'W', name: 'West', depth: 0 } */
  5. Windrose.getDegrees('S'); /* returns { min: 174.375, value: 180, max: 185.625 } */
  6. Windrose.getDegrees('South'); /* returns { min: 174.375, value: 180, max: 185.625 } */
  7. Windrose.getDegrees('S', { depth: 0 }); /* returns { min: 135, value: 180, max: 225 } */


Just include it in your html:

  1. <script type="text/javascript" src="windrose.js">

The Windrose object will be available in your global scope.

It also supports AMD.


Windrose.getPoint(degrees, opts)

  • degrees (number) the degrees to convert to point (only valid if >= 0 or <= 360)
  • opts (object) options hash [optional]

    • depth (integer) the depth of search it can be a value between 0 and 3.

      With value 0, it only returns the 4 main compass points (N, E, S, W).

      With value 1 returns the main 8 compass points (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).

      With value 2 returns the main 16 compass points (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW).

      With value 3 returns the 32 points of the compass.

      With value 4 returns the 64 points of the compass.

      With value 5 returns the 128 points of the compass.

      Any other value will return undefined.

Windrose.getDegrees(name, opts)

  • name (string) the name or symbol of the compass point to convert to degrees
  • opts (object) options hash [optional]
    • depth (integer) the depth of search it can be a value between 0 and 5.


Copyright (c) 2015 Rogério Vicente. Licensed under the MIT license.