项目作者: archfizz

项目描述 :
Legacy website initially created in 2009 restored with new 2014 technologies, and restored once again in 2018, however the content is still the same. Uses Composer, PSR-4, Silex, Twig, Behat, Mink, Grunt, Bower, Sass, Compass, Zurb Foundation 5, Nginx.
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/archfizz/2009.git
创建时间: 2014-04-06T17:36:10Z



ArchFizz.co.uk : 2009 - 2011

Legacy website restored with new technologies, but content is still the same.

Uses Composer, Silex, Twig, PSR-4 autoloading, Behat 3, Grunt, Bower, Sass, Compass and Zurb Foundation 5.



  • PHP 5.4
  • Git
  • Composer
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Bower (sudo npm install -g bower)
  • Grunt (sudo npm install -g grunt-cli)
  • Ruby
  • Sass
  • Compass (sudo gem install compass - will also install Sass)

Install yourself

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/archfizz/2009 archfizz2009
  2. $ cd archfizz2009
  3. $ composer install

The Composer install command will also run

  1. $ bower install
  2. $ compass compile
  3. $ grunt

Run Tests

Web acceptance tests are run using Behat 3.0 and the Mink Extension. Run the following command to execute them.

  1. $ bin/behat


You MAY clone to repository and change the various properties for your own site.
You MAY even copy the styles and you would be encouraged to alter the colors or textures to your needs.

However, you MAY NOT copy the “ArchFizz” name, logo or any of the portfolio images.