项目作者: br3ndonland

项目描述 :
Udacity Grow with Google challenge scholarship program
项目地址: git://github.com/br3ndonland/udacity-google.git
创建时间: 2018-02-24T20:05:09Z

开源协议:MIT License



Udacity Grow with Google scholarship award

Udacity Grow with Google Scholarship challenge course

Intermediate Web Developer track

Brendon Smith




This repository contains notes and resources from the Udacity Grow with Google Scholarship challenge course, in the Intermediate Web Developer track.

The Grow with Google scholarship program is an initiative designed to help people make career changes into coding. I was accepted to the intermediate web developer track to learn techniques for building progressive web apps. There was a three month challenge round, after which the top participants move on to a more advanced Mobile Web Specialist program.

Here’s how it went down:

  • Found out about the Grow with Google scholarship via Udacity’s Facebook and Medium posts, while on a bus to NYC for the New York Coffee Festival on October 14, 2017.
  • Applied in December 2017.
  • Won the scholarship in January 2018!

    Social media message:

    I won a web development scholarship from Udacity and Google! I was accepted to the intermediate web developer track. There is a three month challenge round. If I do well, I can win another scholarship to a more advanced Mobile Web Specialist program.

    GoogleUdacityScholars #GrowWithGoogle

  • Started the challenge course materials February 21, 2018.

  • Completed the challenge course materials on March 7, 2018 (working on Udacity basically full time). The course taught us how to build progressive web apps and use the new features in JavaScript ES6.
  • Attended five local meetups.
  • Started building a collaborative open-source transportation app, MBTAccess, in April 2018.
  • Ranked in the top 10% of 10,000 students in the intermediate web developer track. Ranking was based on completing all course materials, as well as participation in the Slack workspace, discussion forum, and meetups.
  • Won a full scholarship to the Google Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree program. See my udacity-google-mws repo for materials from the Nanodegree program.

Course materials

Materials in this repository: