React Material Design Components
This library is a React adapter for the Material Design Components for Web package.
We aim to support all components currently implemented in MDC Web, but we are not there yet. Bellow you can find a table
that describes which components we have implemented yet, and checkout our documentation in the app inside the docs folder.
This library was created because the official adapter implementation for React was abandoned. The repo can be found here.
Also, there were some issues with the foundation
implementation, which made the React components that used solely the foundation a bit awkward. These components weren’t syncing
with the props passed, because the foundation kept an internal state which was made impossible to change via it’s public API.
yarn add @lucasecdb/rmdc
Component | Implemented |
Button | ✅ |
Card | ✅ |
Checkbox | ✅ |
CircularProgress | ✅ |
Dialog | ✅ |
Fab | ✅ |
FloatingLabel | ✅ |
FormField | ✅ |
Icon | ✅ |
IconButton | ✅ |
LineRipple | ✅ |
NotchedOutline | ✅ |
Ripple | ✅ |
Snackbar | ✅ |
Tab | ✅ |
TabBar | ✅ |
TabIndicator | ✅ |
TabScroller | ✅ |
TopAppBar | ✅ |
Typography | ✅ |