项目作者: jmsevillam

项目描述 :
Programming Seminar: 2018-01. Mauricio Sevilla: jmsevillam@unal.edu.co - jmasevillam@gmail.com
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/jmsevillam/Seminar-2018-I.git
创建时间: 2018-06-16T21:08:14Z



Seminar - Under Construction

Programming Seminar 2018 - 01

Here you can find

  1. Differential Equations - Part I: An introduction to ordinary
    differential equations.
    1. Decay Model.
    2. Pendulum: Small Oscillations.
    3. Pendulum: Forced & Damped.
  2. Differential Equations - Part II:
    1. Lorentz Model.
    2. Plotting with python.
  3. Differential Equations - Part III: An introduction to partial
    differential equations
    1. Laplace equation.
  4. Ising Model: An introduction to the Monte-Carlo Simulations. Ising model
    using the metropolis algorithm.