项目作者: nanome-ai

项目描述 :
Trigger Autodock 4, Smina, and Vina docking calculations in Nanome
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/nanome-ai/plugin-docking.git
创建时间: 2019-04-25T18:15:58Z



Nanome - Docking

A Nanome Plugin to interface with a variety of docking softwares to dock ligands to a receptor.

Supported Docking algorithms:

  • Smina
  • Autodock4




The docking algorithm used is determined by the --algorithm flag on startup. It flag not provided, it defaults to smina

To run Smina Docking in a Docker container:

  1. $ cd docker
  2. $ ./build.sh
  3. $ ./deploy.sh [args]

To run Docking with Autodock4:

  1. $ cd docker
  2. $ ./build.sh --build-arg ALGORITHM=autodock4
  3. $ ./deploy.sh --algorithm autodock4 [args]

In Nanome:

  • Activate Plugin, Docking window will automatically open
  • Select a receptor
  • Click on “Ligand”, and select ligands to dock
  • If using Smina, click on “Site”, and select which molecule should be used to define the docking site
  • Choose number of poses to return for each ligand
  • Choose size of the box to generate around the site molecule (Smina only)
  • Click Run


To run Docking with autoreload:

  1. $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. $ python3 run.py <algorithm> -r [args]

algorithm can be (smina | autodock4)

Note for autodock4: The adfr-suite conda environment must be set up to run code requiring Python 2.7

  1. $ conda env create --file adfr-suite.yml
