Codes for the paper "Atomic effective potentials for starting molecular electronic structure calculations"
Codes for the paper
“Atomic effective potentials for starting molecular electronic structure calculations” [1]
make q qap
or Cygwin
gcc >= 4.7
To generate starting orbitals for a molecule, run
./q <basis-set-file> <molecule>.{in,out} [options]
For basis set file format, see basis/
command-line option | description | default value |
vectors:%s |
file to save the vectors in | <molecule>.vec |
print:%d |
1 : print the density matrix;2 : print the density matrix in the lower-triangular form;3 : print the orbital coefficients (vectors) in the column-major order;4 : print the vectors in MOLDEN format;11 : print the effective Hamiltonian matrix;12 : print the effective Hamiltonian matrix in the lower-triangular form |
0 |
aaar:%d |
if > 0, use the two-component scalar-relativistic approximation [3], the parameters have to be specified in the basis set file | 1 if the basis set file contains the parameters (e.g. basis/ ); 0 otherwise (e.g. basis/ ) |
finite_nuclei:%d |
if > 0, use the finite Gaussian nucleus model [4] | 1 if the scalar-relativistic approximation is enabled; 0 otherwise |
to be found in mol/:
./q basis/ mol/H5C5FeC5H5.{in,out} print:2
./q basis/ mol/Cr2N2O2C8O8.{in,out} print:2
./q basis/ mol/H6C4FeC3O3.{in,out} print:2
./q basis/ mol/H8C8ThC8H8.{in,out} print:2
./q basis/ mol/TEMPO.{in,out} print:2
./q basis/ mol/HCCCONH2.{in,out} print:4
The binary file contains:
1 int32_t --- number of basis functions M
M doubles --- orbital energies (alpha)
M*M doubles --- orbital vectors (alpha)
M doubles --- orbital energies (beta)
M*M doubles --- orbital vectors (beta)
Thus its size is sizeof(int32_t)+2*M*(M+1)*sizeof(double) bytes.
Spherical basis functions are used and their order is as follows:
P: P0, P+1, P-1
D: D0, D+1, D-1, D+2, D-2
F: F0, F+1, F-1, F+2, F-2, F+3, F-3
However, when the density matrix or the effective Hamiltonian matrix are printed,
the order of basis functions is as follows:
P: P-1, P0, P+1
D: D-2, D-1, D0, D+1, D+2
F: F-3, F-2, F-1, F0, F+1, F+2
To optimize the
values on a set of molecules, run
./qap <basis> <inputfile> [outputfile] [options]
command-line option | description | default value(s) |
f:%s |
measure to use for optimization: S , E , S0 , E0 |
S |
check:%d |
if > 0, instead of optimization, compute the S and E measures on the molecules: 1 – use HF-based parameters and caps with the default or specified in the input file values of 2 – use HFS-based parameters |
0 |
testgrad:%d |
if > 0, compare analytical and numerical derivatives of all the measures with respect to the |
0 |
save:%d |
if > 0, save guess vectors after optimization | 0 |
np:%d |
number of threads | 1 |
o:%d,%lf |
optimization parameters (maximum number of iterations and convergence criterion) | 128,1e-5 |
o1:%d,%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf |
various 1D optimization parameters (maximum number of iterations, convergence criterion, default value of second derivative estimation, maximum step length, minimum value of second derivative estimation) | 32,1e-6,3.0,0.125,1e-3 |
input file formatSee qap_ex/ for examples.
First, the initial values of
can be specified:
value1 element number(s)
value2 element number(s)
valueK element number(s)
For example,
0.333 1-2
0.0625 3
0.0625 4
0.333 5-10
fix 0.333 13
0.125 14-18
for Hydrogen, Helium, and Boron through Neon;
for Lithium and Berillium;
for Aluminum through Argon; and the default value of
for all other elements.
During the optimization, the parameters within the groups (in this case, 1-2
, 5-10
, 11-12
, 14-18
, and 19-102
are considered to be equal.
One can freeze some of the parameters by starting lines with the fix
Next, molecular geometry files are listed (comments starting with #
are allowed).
For example, # water
# try later:
File names should correspond the mask
and for each one a vector file called %.vec
should exist.
to be found in mol_opt/ and qap_ex/:
./qap basis/ qap_ex/light.{in,opt.out} np:4 # optimize cap exponents (run on 4 processors)
./qap basis/ qap_ex/light.{in,f.out} check:1 # compute S and E measures
./qap basis/ qap_ex/SeTePo.{in,out} np:4 # optimize cap exponents for Se,Te,Po
# with fixed exponents for H,O,S
– source directoryobj/
– build directorymol/*.in
– molecular geometry filesmol/*.vec
– starting vectors computed with q
– q
output filesmol_opt/*/*.in
– molecular geometry filesmol_opt/*/*.vec
– corresponding SCF vectors computed with Priroda-19 (PBE/L1)qap_ex/
– qap
input and output filesbasis/
– basis sets taken from [2] and [3] (see basis/
– parameters (HF-based and HFS-based) as in the Supplementary material for the article[1]
D. N. Laikov and K. R. Briling, Theor. Chem. Acc. 139, 17 (2020).
D. N. Laikov, Theor. Chem. Acc. 138, 40 (2019).
D. N. Laikov, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 061103 (2019).
L. Visscher and K. G. Dyall, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 67, 207 (1997)