项目作者: shaan1974

项目描述 :
Pick a Date, Date Picker for VueJs 3.0
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/shaan1974/data-pad.git
创建时间: 2020-10-17T14:44:40Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


VueJS Data-Pad

Purpose :

As i need a date picker to replace the input type date into the filter component of Data-greep, i’v build this one.

Still consider as in Developpement.

Dependecies :

Only moment.js. So Read Momentjs documentation to know more about date formating.

Demo :

Fully working demo


  1. {
  2. "firstDayOfTheWeekMonday": true,
  3. "showCurrentDay": true,
  4. "closeWhenDayAsBeenSelected": false,
  5. "minDate": "10-07-2020",
  6. "maxDate": "04-11-2021",
  7. "closeOnResizeEvent": true,
  8. "closeOnScrollEvent": true,
  9. "css":
  10. {
  11. "input": "waza_input",
  12. "table_container": "waza_table_container",
  13. "table": "waza_table",
  14. "table_header":
  15. {
  16. "date_navigator": "waza_data_navigator",
  17. "right_arrow": "waza_right_arrow",
  18. "left_arrow": "waza_left_arrow",
  19. "month_year":
  20. {
  21. "month_year": "waza_my",
  22. "month": "waza_my_month",
  23. "month_popover": "waza_my_month_popover",
  24. "year": "waza_my_year",
  25. "year_popover": "waza_my_year_popover"
  26. }
  27. },
  28. "table_days_names":
  29. {
  30. "row": "waza_row",
  31. "columns": "waza_cols"
  32. },
  33. "table_days":
  34. {
  35. "previous_month": "waza_pm",
  36. "current_month": "waza_cm",
  37. "next_month": "waza_nm",
  38. "current_day": "waza_cd",
  39. "today": "waza_td",
  40. "spd": "waza_sp",
  41. "nsd": "waza_cbs",
  42. "diw": "waza_diw"
  43. }
  44. },
  45. "format": "DD-MM-YYYY",
  46. "special_days": ["09-11-2020,13-11-2020", "25-12-2020", "01-01-2021"],
  47. "disabled_days": ["07-12-2020", "23-11-2020,27-11-2020"],
  48. "disabledWeekendEnds": false,
  49. "position": "auto",
  50. /* down,up,right,auto, up-right, down-right */
  51. "fadesAnimation": true
  52. }
  1. <data-pad ref="main-data-pick-a-date" v-bind:config="PadConfig" v-on:vchange="value = $event" v-bind:value="value"></data-pad>

To do:

  • No more ideas.


2.0 ( The secret of Monkey Island )

  • Code optimisation.
  • Now you can switch language and apply new on to moment with => moment.lang(“en”) Labels of the calendar should change also.

1.9 ( Hallelujah )

  • Bug with config assignement.
  • Introduce up-right, down-right for positionning.

1.8 ( Ausländer - Rammstein )

  • I try to integrate this component into my Data-Greed projet. I’v correct some bugs.

1.7 ( The Ark of Truth - Stargate )

  • Base configuration is included into the component. So only “format” is really needed into the configuration.

1.6 ( 2Unlimited - Tribal Dance )

  • Option to set Allow/not Allow weekend days.
  • Option to positionning calendar ( auto, down, up, right )
  • Option to fadeIn/fadeOut the calendar.

1.5 ( Abba - Voulez-vous ? )

  • Remove commented codes.
  • Introduce range date into specials days ( like holidays).
  • Introduce simple date or range for unselectable days.


  • Code refactoring.
  • Introduce special days ( Like holidays )
  • Bug with min/max date if not in the same year.
  • Bug of visibility since all td are put as position relative for popover Months and Dates.

1.3 ( Waza )

  • Add 2 options in config to hide calendar on window scroll or resize

1.2 - ( Cosmos 1999 )

  • First version with a Build and an example.


  • Create Build. Full and with no css.

1.1 - ( Beat It )

  • Correct fact that send data to component could be empty :)
  • Min, Max Dates
  • Popover Months, Years related to Min, Max.

1.0 - ( Stargate ) - First release.