项目作者: bobcolee

项目描述 :
Trans dimensional communication
项目地址: git://github.com/bobcolee/Hello-World.git
创建时间: 2018-03-28T01:27:15Z




Trans dimensional communication
Robert Raymond Colee
7216 Williams Road • Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542
(678) 887-2216 • bobcolee@gmail.com

Executive / Senior Manager: High Technology / Alternate Energy / Sales
Seasoned and versatile professional with 20+ years of experience contributing to the effective management and profitability of diverse and innovative companies through outstanding management, technical, and sales expertise. Tenacious and entrepreneurial executive and manager with proven ability to operationalize creative business concepts and implement / oversee all aspects of business environment including operations, sales and marketing, financial, and human resources. Accomplished technology generalist with ability to manage any product through life cycle with particular expertise in high technology and alternate energy products. Articulate and persuasive communicator and negotiator with talent for developing long-term, productive relationships through creative sales / marketing and networking skills.
• Executive-level Leadership • Sales / Marketing
• Entrepreneurial / Innovative • High Technology / Alternate Energy
• Operations / Financial Management • Productive / Profitable Partnerships
• Manufacturing / Remanufacturing • Telecommunications Technical / Sales Expertise
• Troubleshooting / Problem Solving • Business / Product Start-ups

• Alternate Energy Management – Solar Voltaic, Solar Thermal, Back-up Generators / Alternators, U.P.S., and Closed Loop Systems.
• Executive Leadership – Directed business environments of start-up companies including operations, financial management and accounting, sales / marketing, supply chain, computer integration, staffing, and customer support / service.
• Sales – Adept at cold calling, business-to-business, consumer, and government sales with specialty in industrial, retail, and wholesale. Have personally sold $20 million of products and services during career.
• Telecommunications – Radio, television, telephone, IS, IT, ET, fax, cellular, computer integration, supercomputer, and e-commerce. Well-versed in sales, site survey, manufacture, systems integration, and technical support. Conceptualized / created Telecommunication Company that became pioneer in remanufacturing of Hitachi PABX telephone systems, ex-Soviet Union trade relations, e-commerce, and a defense conversion.
• Mechanical / Electro-mechanical – Repair and rebuilding of transportation systems including automotive, motor sports, and marine craft. Skilled at numerous aspects of hydraulics, pneumatics, avionics, and power generation including solar reciprocating and gas / turbine engines, generators, alternators, fire protection and Aerospace Ground Equipment air conditioning / heating cooling systems.
• Industrial – Production and oversight in manufacturing and remanufacturing environments including building prototypes, mechanical engineering, production and lab fixtures; infrastructure, coordinating quality control, calibration, test, rework; and drafting of electronic, electrical, and mechanical equipment.
• Teaching – Instructed / trained students and workers in various aspects of electronics engineering technology, computers, robotics, telephony, manufacturing, and component- level circuit repair.
• Aerospace – Mastered various facets of quality control, research and development, pilot skills, electrical, mechanical, and avionics. Oversaw and directed various projects research and development of YF-22 aircraft HUD control box SMT manufacture procedures and brokerage of Russian aircraft and space craft, defense conversion recommendations for operation of Russian IL-76 aircraft in Untied States and other international airspace.
• Research and Presentation – Telecommunication project in conjunction with companies such as Northern Telecom, Bell South Corporation, AT&T, RCA, and Magnavox / Hughes. Presented paper at Harvard University and research ultimately contributed to technical background for Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Robert Raymond Colee • Page 2

PRESIDENT / CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, Global Communications Group • 1990-Present
Began as company specializing in telecommunications refurbishment including solid state surface mount technology laboratory Sold refurbishment technology and related business and, in 2001, created store to provide one-stop shopping experience where customers could purchase computers, computer accessories, and other electronic products. Ultimately became Umbrella Corporation for wide range of innovative and successful companies – Global Robotics, Global Marine, Global Supercomputer, Global Properties, and Global Energy.

Chief Operations Officer, Global Robotics • 2007-Present
Researched newest ideas related to robots and androids and produced two androids on very tight time and money constraints. Efforts laid groundwork for operationalizing concept for profit.

Chief Operations Officer, Global Marine • 2003-Present
Located 21-29 foot sailboats needing repair, purchased boats inexpensively, and performed renovations, converting many boats to solar power. Sold boats for profit.. Purchased and renovated 15 boats, converting 11 to solar power. Transformed consciousness of boat owners in local marina, this led to approximately 1/3 now using solar power.

Chief Operations Officer, Global Supercomputer • 2002-Present
Conceptualized and established unique version of Beowulf supercomputer beta prototype that would provide off-site computer access to global supercomputer at monthly billing rate.

Director of Engineering Services, Global Properties • 2002-Present
Lead crews in contracting and renovation projects for real estate investors and realtors and some homeowners / individuals .Renovated numerous bank-owned foreclosures that had been funded by AIG. Completed projects in timely manner, employing 15+ workers and obtaining consistently sign-off of government inspectors.

Chief Operations Officer, Global Energy • 1993-Present
Manage all operations for company that specializes in solar power and other alternative energy “green” technologies and products.

Chief Financial Officer, Superbikes and Chandler Motorcycles, Incorporated • 1999-2001
Oversee all financial operations for company that provided renovation and sales of classic and vintage Japanese motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles. Establish trade and cyber presence for company.

Provided company’s President with weekly reports recommending changes and improvements to products and services. Several recommendations were instituted including suggestion that customer billing be completed every three weeks instead of every two months and that company place products in retail stores.

DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Global Telecom Group, Incorporated • 1998-1999
Provide smooth transition after sale of Global Communications Groups telecommunications refurbishment facilities. Including, solid state surface mount technology printed circuit board (dip, smt) repair using Huntron Tracker and hot air soldering laboratory equipment facility’s. Maintained customer loyalty after sale and assisted in upgrading of laboratory equipment and technical documentation.

PLANT ENGINEER, Hitachi Telecom • 1984-1990

Held numerous positions, including Engineer, PMEL for Healthdyne Industries; Sales, Installation Engineer for Earth Station Satellite Systems; Solar Power for The Farm Commune, Aerospace Ground Support of Aircraft on Nuclear Alert Duty for United States Air Force; and Construction for Global Projects and Metro Painting. Details upon request.

TRAINING - Formal and Continuing
Keller University- MS/Public Administration, 2016
Devry University - BS/Technical Management/Operations Management, February 2012
Emergency Management Institute Disaster Management, 2008-Present
Brenau University - Information Technology
Santa Fe Community College-Para-Psychology
University of Florida - Advertising and Marketing
University of Florida - Electrical engineering
St. John’s Community College - AA Engineering Technology
USAF Air University- Aerospace Ground Support
Air University- Aerospace Ground Support Technology 42153 Torrejon, A.B. - Torrejon - Spain
Air University Certification- Kinchloe, A.F.B. Michigan - U.S.A.
USAF AIR UNIVERSITY -Aerospace Ground Equipment Support, Chanute A.F.B. - IL.
University of Maryland –Spanish, Washington D.C.
Capitol Radio Engineering Institute- Communication Engineering Technology, Washington - D.C.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute: http://training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.asp
Fundamentals course for radiological monitoring, emergency manager: an orientation to the position IS1, radiological emergency management IS3, an introduction to hazardous materials IS5.a, a citizen’s guide to disaster assistance IS7, building for the earthquakes of tomorrow: complying with executive order 12699 IS8a, animals in disaster, module A: awareness and preparedness IS10, special events contingency planning for public safety agencies IS15a, are you ready? An in-depth guide to citizen preparedness IS22, guide points of distribution IS26, household hazardous materials- a guide for citizens IS55, introduction to incident command system IS100a, deployment basics for FEMA partners IS102, an introduction to exercises IS120a, exercise design IS139, special needs planning considerations for emergency management IS197.EM, ICS for single resources and initial action incidents IS200a, leadership and influence IS240, decision making and problem solving IS241, effective communication IS242, developing and managing volunteers IS244, emergency support function 15 (ESF 15) external affairs: a new approach to emergency communication and information distribution IS250, radiological emergency response IS301, continuity of operations awareness course IS546a, national incident management system (NIMS) an introduction IS700a, national response framework, an introduction IS800b, emergency support function (ESF)#1-transportation IS801, emergency support function (ESF)#2-communications IS802, emergency support function (ESF)#6-mass care, emergency assistance, housing and human services IS806, emergency support function (ESF)#7-logistics management and resource support annex IS807, emergency support function (ESF)#9-search and rescue IS809, emergency support function (ESF)#12-energy IS812, emergency support function (ESF)#14-long term community recovery IS814, critical infrastructure and key resources support annex IS821, nuclear/radiological incident annex IS836, dams sector: crisis management IS870, ICS 300, ICS 400 advanced ICS.

United States Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol: http://cap.gov/
Aerospace education achievement award “R 60-1, CAPF5 annual examination-powered (2009), aircraft ground handling, wing runner, CAPT 116-general emergency services, skills evaluator training, CAP basic safety course, satellite digital imaging system, information technology specialty track-tech rating, information technology specialty track-senior rating, information technology specialty track-master rating, flight line marshal, corporate learning course, squadron leadership school, Georgia Wing search and rescue school, radiological monitoring course, mission scanner course, aircraft dispatch officer, G1000 ground school and Cessna Factory Authorized training program, Air Photography, CAPT 117 part 1 emergency service, CAPT 117 emergency service part 2, CAPT 117 emergency service part 3, CAPT116 part 1 general emergency services, communications radio operators authorization, air operations officer, flight line officer, dispatch officer, mission observer, aircraft maintenance officer.

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary/Homeland Security
ICS 210, AUXCOM Communications, Good Mate, AUXSEA Seamanship, Boat Crew, CPR

United States Air Force: http://www.af.mil/
Aerospace Ground Equipment Repairman ABR42133, MA-2 multi-purpose service unit AMF42173, MJ-3 hydraulic test stand AMF42173-21, MD-3 Generator set technician 4AM F42173-48(1), D.C., electronic fundamentals, A.C. electronics fundamentals, generator and motor fundamental, maintenance and inspection systems and forms, reciprocating engines, generator sets, air compressors, refrigeration principles, equipment coolers, gas turbine compressors, heaters, hydraulic support equipment, AFSC 42153, secret clearance OSI 1966-1972, defensive driving.

MCI/Worldcom: http://www.mci.com/
Wireless technology, trade show, sales, customer support

Ural America: http://www.ural.com/
Motorcycle dealer technical repair course

Harvard University Russian research Center: http://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/
Russia a crash course and orientation

Whitney Education Group, Inc: http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=23108667
Real Estate Training Academy

National Association of Certified Home Inspectors: http://www.nachi.org/
Certified Home Inspector

New Horizons Computer Learning Center: http://www.newhorizons.com/content/index.aspx
PowerPoint 2002-level 1

Interactive Learning Systems: http://www.ict-ils.edu/
Instructor certification electronics/robotics

Skill Path Seminars: http://www.skillpath.com/index.html/gs/gs0003
First Things First

Hitachi America Ltd: http://www.hitachi-cta.com/
Line and trunk repair course, HD200 PBX installation and maintenance, wireless/cellular automotive, software engineering, material return authorization, research and development, hardware re-manufacturing, quality control, testing, software.

Total Technical Institute: http://cleveland.kaplancareerinstitute.com/Pages/homepage.aspx
Instructor certification electronics

Microsoft Experience:
Win 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Microsoft Office2010, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio, Outlook

Federal Communications Commission: Amateur Radio KJ4RRR and Restricted Radiotelephone licenses