Implementation of Unix command - ls
In the Unix environment, the most commonly used commands are: cd
and ls
provides all files within the current directory, with options to view details and recursive traversal of subdirectories.
This project re-implements the ls command, with options for:
This implementation also supports:
To compile repository, run make
Then, use command:
./ft_ls [options] [files...]
options: -lRart
Using system calls, file information is stored within a singly linked list.
Options are parsed and stored within a single flags
Based on options and arguments, appropriate data is printed on console. Sorting uses a recursive insertion sort, and runs O(n) time with O(n^2) worst case. However, average runtime runs closer to optimal as lists are used almost sorted from pre-sorts.
My ft_ls uses the size of current terminal window to determine column width, while system ls uses preset defaults, causing differences in horizontal aligmnent of columns.
Things to improve: