项目作者: muellan
项目描述 :
numeric facilities for C++ 14; dual numbers, dual quaternions, constrained numbers, intervals
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/muellan/numeric.git
AM numeric
Header-only numeric facilities for C++14.
Quick Overview
Generic classes
- safe angle (that is tagged with its unit)
- choice (provides arithmetic modulo N)
- interval (incl. interval arithmetic)
- natural number adapter (provides unsigned integer with bounds check and infinity type)
- bounded number adapter (+ aliases for clipped and wrapped numbers)
- rounded number adapter
- rational number
- dual number
- split-complex number
- quaternion
- ordinary biquaternion
- split-biquaternion
- dual quaternion (study biquaternion)
- random number distribution adapter
- number conversion factories
- number concept checking
- requires C++14 conforming compiler
- tested with g++ {5.4, 7.2} and clang++ 5.0.2