R package that provides complex systems datasets from the Colorado Index of Complex Networks (ICON) at https://icon.colorado.edu/.
The ICON R package provides easy-to-use and easy-to-access datasets from the Index of COmplex Networks (ICON) database available at the University of Colorado website.
All datasets can be loaded with a single function call and new datasets are being slowly added from ICON at https://icon.colorado.edu.
Currently, the ICON R package includes 1,075 complex networks.
To install the ICON package, run the following R code:
# install from CRAN (older, fewer networks)
# install development version from GitHub (updated, more networks)
The sample code below demonstrates network visualization using the igraph R package.
For a more detailed look at network analysis (using the network R package) and visualization (using the ggnetwork R package), please take a look at the package vignette.
# load ICON package and data frame of available datasets
# vector of names of available datasets
# look at entire data frame in Rstudio
# load the chess dataset for use and look at the first few lines
# load another dataset for use
# plot interaction network using igraph
my_graph <- graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(seed_disperse_beehler[, 1:2]), directed = FALSE)
plot(my_graph, vertex.label = NA, vertex.size = 5)
# following plot is generated (exact vertex positioning varies each time code is run)
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