项目作者: rahulkhatri19
项目描述 :
E commerce App for vegetable & Fruit sale
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/rahulkhatri19/VegCart_Firebase.git
VegCart_Firebase : App for vegetable & Fruit sale
VegCart means Vegetable’s cart/ basket, an online platform to sell vegetables. It showcase vegetables and fruits in different category like Leaves, Salad, Root, Fruit etc. It shows detail of a vegetable and fruit which are:
- Benefits: It show the benefit of consumption of that food.
- Vitamins and Mineral: It guide the vitamin and mineral gained.
- Help to Heal: It showcase the disease, unfavorable effects can be reduced by consumption of that food.
- Precaution: As over-consumption of anything is dangerous, same with food also. this section will indicate possible side effect of food over-consumption.

App Specifications:
App Packages: