"Challenging professional and student programmers around the globe to solve algorithmic puzzles"
Code Jam is back in action, challenging professional and student programmers around the globe to solve algorithmic puzzles.
Code Jam begins with a Qualification Round that is available for twenty-seven hours. Multiple online rounds then lead up to
the Code Jam World Finals in August, during which the top twenty-five Code Jammers and last year’s champion will compete for
the title of Code Jam World Champion and a grand prize of $15,000.
The following lists all of the problem solved and completed. Problems marked with
✓ pass the requirements of the challenge and have been accepted whilst those
that are missing the identifier do not pass, or have yet to be completed. Whilst
some are listed with a passing grade, they may not have a sufficient amount of
comments that properly explain the program and may be added at a later date.