Skeleton of a Spring Boot multi-module project using Gradle
Gradle multi-module application and component project to support alternative
packaging methodologies.
This project is heavily inspired by the discussion started during the Pivotal
Platform Acceleration Lab’s exercises via the Application Continuum
project. The theory being that by applying these ideas, we will end up with
better application architecture(s).
My goals are limited to exploring alternative ways of thinking about
application architecture including organization and composition of components.
As this is somewhat controversial and could be considered an example of
premature optimization, but it does seems worthy of deeper exploration.
Personally, I am not completely sold on all of the ideas presented in the App
Continuum/PAL. This project is for my personal experimentation with those concepts
so I can refine, explore and (hopefully) improve on over time.
Additionally, my general concerns are as follows:
Multiple apps sharing the same code is a violation of twelve-factor