Expressions for IF/ELSE in LWC
<c-lwc-if condition="(this.a == this.b) && (this.c == 6 || this.b == 'easypeasy')" scope={scope}>
<div slot="if">
<div slot="else">
Does it look more readable? let’s take a deeper look:
Write expressions in component definition to handle complex rendering scenarios without learning a new expression language.
With Visualforce & Aura, developers had luxury to render HTML based on expressions, Eg. {!A == B}
While Lightning web component needs the use of individual javascript get properties to achieve similar feats, here’s an example how you can natively achieve this:
In template:
<template if:true={decision}>
print this
In JS Controller:
get scope(){
return this.a == this.b;
the above example bounds you to implement multiple get properties within js controller.
In template:
<c-lwc-if condition="this.a == this.b" scope={scope}>
<div slot="if">
<div slot="else">
In JS Controller:
get scope(){
return {
a : this.a,
b : this.b
So for complex,multiple rendering scenarios we only need to create a single scope get() property which would contain all the decision making props within the expression, which allows you to write expressions within the templates and makes code more readable & easy to implement.
You’d find a working example for lwc-if-expressions in the example module.