🍍 The build toolchain against JavaScript Fatigue
Build framework to start a server-rendered React/Redux application with a strong focus on developer experience
VitaminJS helps you start your React / Redux application right away.
It takes care of all the tremendous amount of boilerplate code used to initialize a project and help you focus and what matters : your application.
VitaminJS comes as a dependency in your application allowing you to always be up to date with the latest practices in the React community.
What’s included in the menu
.To start a vitamin powered application, simply install globally our command-line interface.
yarn global add vitaminjs-cli
Or if you are not using yarn
npm install -g vitaminjs-cli
Then create your project directory and start a new project with our CLI.
mkdir my-directory
cd my-directory
vitaminjs new
To start the dev environment, simply run :
yarn start
or if you are not using yarn
npm start
By default, your app will be running on http://localhost:3000
Build errors will be displayed in your terminal. Everything will be hot reloaded.
You can start working on your app immediately !
VitaminJS contains all of its configuration in a .vitaminrc
When you create a new project, it has the minimal configuration to make it work.
If you want to go further in your development, you can customize your configuration. You can learn more about it in API Guide
To build your application in production mode, run :
yarn build
or if you are not using yarn
npm run build
It bundles your application and optimizes its performances. The bundle is also minified.
We have started to answer some frequently asked questions. You can find all of them here: FAQ
If you have any questions you think are worth be displayed, please raise an issue in the project.
We will try to update these questions as often as possible.
Are you interested in contributing to the project ? Great ! To do so, follow this simple steps:
You can find all the changes in the Changelog
Universal Redux
MIT © Evaneos