Pwa webpack starter for webpack, gulp, es6/7, sass, css-modules, pug, offline plugin...
Personal front-end solutions for progressive web app
Front-end automation solutions for webApp
webpack2, gulp, babel, sass, pug, offline plugin and lots of awesome modules and plugins
$ npm install
# or
$ yarn install
├─app/ # Project entry folder
│ └─...
├─gulp/ # Gulp tasks folder
│ └─...
├─mock/ # Mock data entry folder
│ ├─api/
│ └─webSocket/
├─static/ # Static folder
│ ├─icons/ # Svg icons entry folder (raw)
│ ├─logos/ # Logos for Manifest
│ ├─images/ # Pictures folder
│ │ ├──icons/ # Svg icons folder (processed)
│ │ └──... # Other pictures
│ ├─view/ # Static pug template folder
│ │ └──...
│ ├─favicon.ico # Icon file
│ └─manifest.json # Manifest file
├─webpack/ # Webpack configuration folder
│ └─... # Webpack configuration files
├─gulpfile.js # Gulp file entry
# Run in development
$ npm start
# Build for production
$ npm run build
# svg icon
$ npm run svg
# deploy to gh-pages
$ npm run deploy