项目作者: anishLearnsToCode

项目描述 :
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/anishLearnsToCode/state-diagram-generator.git

State Diagram Generator

This project has been built for the subject Theory of Computation (MC-204) at teh Delhi Technological
University (DTU).

Running the project on the browser

his has been eployed on GitHub Pages and a live version can be viewed

Running the Project locally

To run this project locally you must have the following software/packages installed on your
local machine:

  • Git
  • Node
  • Angular - Can be installed after adding node on your machine
  • Typescript - Can be added after installing Node on your machine

To add angular run the following command after adding node

  1. npm i -g @angular/angular-cli

To add typescript run the following command after adding node

  1. npm install -g typescript

Clone this repository on your machine using

  1. git clone https://github.com/anishLearnsToCode/state-diagram-generator.git

To run locally

  1. cd state-diagram-generator
  2. ng serve

Now, the project will run on your local machine’s port 4200. See here

About the Project

This project has been created to display the deterministic finite state automata (DFA) ot the
Non-Deterministic Finite State Automata (NFA) of any given valid regular expression.

A deterministic automata along with it’s transmission table will be generated for the given
regular expression and the user can also check whether any given string is recognized by that
particular regular language.