项目作者: JohnnyShieh

项目描述 :
An implementation of Android Flux Architecture based on google architecture component
高级语言: Kotlin
项目地址: git://github.com/JohnnyShieh/RxFlux.git
创建时间: 2017-02-17T07:51:18Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


I have tried MVC, MVP and Clean architecture on Android. But mostly I love the Flux architecture because of its undirectional data flow and layering features. However I can’t find an approving implementation of Flux arichtecture, so I wirte RxFlux based on skimarxall’s RxFlux and Google’s Architecture Component.

Getting started


  1. dependencies {
  2. // for androidx
  3. implementation 'com.johnny.rxflux:rxflux-androidx:1.3.6'
  4. }

Quick Tutorial

Introducing Flux Architecture

Flux Architecture is used by Facebook to build their client- side web applications. Like Clean Architecture it is not intended for mobile apps, but its features and simplicity will allow us to adapt it very well to Android projects.

There are two key features to understand Flux:

  • The data flow is always unidirectional.

    An unidirectional data flow is the core of the Flux architecture and is what makes it so easy to learn.

It also provides great advantages when testing the application as discussed below.

  • The application is divided into three main parts:

    • View: Application interface(usally Activity/Fragment on Android). It create actions in response to user interactions.
    • Dispatcher: Central hub through which pass all actions and whose responsibility is to make them arrive to every Store.
    • Store: Maintain the state for a particular application domain. They respond to actions according to current state, execute business logic and emit a change event when they are done. This event is used by the view to update its interface.

This three parts communicate through Actions: Simple plain objects, identified by a type, containing the data related to that action.

Flux Android Architecture

First step is to map Flux elements with Android app components.

Two of this elements are very easy to figure out and implement.

  • View: Activity or Fragment
  • Dispatcher: An event bus. I use RxBus in my implementation.
  • Store: An ViewModel, which is introduced in Architecture Compoment.


Actions are not complex either. They will be implemented as simple POJOs with two main attributes:

  • Type: a String identifying the type of action.
  • Data: a Single Object or a ArrayMap with the payload for action.

And the Actions divide into normal action and error action, it is all depending on the method you use. If use postAction, it is a normal action, use postError, then it is a error action.

For example, a action to create todo will like this:

  1. val createAction = Action("todo_create").apply { singleData = text }
  2. val updateAction = Action("todo_update").apply {
  3. data["key_id"] = id
  4. data["key_text"] = text
  5. }
  6. // or just use postAction or postError method, which combine building action and post action to Dispatcher
  7. postAction("todo_create", text)
  8. postAction("todo_update", "key_id" to id, "key_text" to text)


This is perhaps the most difficult to get Flux concept.

Stores contain the status of the application and its business logic. They are similar to rich data models but they can manage the status of various objects, not just one.

Stores react to Actions emitted by the Dispatcher, execute business logic and emit a change event as result. It just like the ViewModel in Google Architectur Component, so I just let Store extends ViewModel. When the activity of fragment is destorying, the attched Store will auto unregister from Dispatcher.

Stores only output is this single event: change. View(flux component) interested in a Store internal status must listen to this event and use it to get the data it needs. I recommend the LiveData in Google Architectur Component to update the UI.

No other component of the system should need to know anything about the status of the application.

Finally, stores must expose an interface to obtain application Status. This way, view elements can query the Stores and update application UI in response.

And a Store object can only be listened to one View, but one View can listen to multiple Store object.

Network requests and asynchronous calls

In the initial Flux graph I intentionally skipped one part: network calls. Next graph completes first one adding more details:

Asynchronous network calls are triggered from an Actions Creator.
A Network Adapter makes the asynchronous call to the corresponding API and returns the result to the Actions Creator.

Finally the Actions Creator dispatch the corresponding typed Action with returned data.

Having all the network and asynchronous work out of the Stores has has two main advantages:

  • Your Stores are completely synchronous: This makes the logic inside a Store very easy to follow. Bugs will be much easier to trace. And since all state changes will be synchronous testing a Store becomes an easy job: launch actions and assert expected final state.

  • All actions are triggered from an Action Creator: Having a single point at which you create and launch all user actions greatly simplifies finding errors.
    Forget about digging into classes to find out where an action is originated. Everything starts here. And because asynchronous calls occur before, everything that comes out of ActionCreator is synchronous. This is a huge win that significantly improves traceability and testability of the code.

The Implementation of Android Flux Architecture

I use RxBus based on RxJava 2.x as the event bus, so the name is RxFlux.

Imagine a scenario where you pull tasks from network and show them, if you pull failed show the error msg. Then how to implement in RxFlux:

Firstly we need a network call(usually Retrofit).

  1. // Api
  2. @GET(Api.GET_TASKS)
  3. fun getTasks(): Single<List<Task>>

Next we should make an action:

  1. // TaskActionCreator
  2. fun getTasks() {
  3. api.getTasks()
  4. .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())
  5. .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
  6. .subscribe(
  7. { postAction("get_task", it) },
  8. { postError("get_task", it) }
  9. )
  10. }

Then we handle store:

  1. // TasksStore
  2. class TasksStore : Store() {
  3. val errorMsg = MutableLiveData<String>()
  4. val taskList = MutableLiveData<List<Task>>()
  5. override fun onAction(action: Action) {
  6. when (action.type) {
  7. "get_task" -> taskList.value = action.singleData
  8. }
  9. }
  10. override fun onError(action: Action) {
  11. errorMsg.value = action.throwable?.message
  12. }
  13. private List<Task> mTasks;
  14. private String mErrorMsg;
  15. }

Finally we should handle activity:

  1. // TodoActivity
  2. override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
  3. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
  4. setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)
  5. mStore = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(TasksStore::class.java)
  6. // store register get_tasks action
  7. mStore.register("get_tasks")
  8. initDataObserver()
  9. ...
  10. }
  11. private fun initDataObserver() {
  12. mStore.errorMsg.observe(this, Observer {
  13. // show error Msg or other
  14. })
  15. mStore.taskList.observe(this, Observer {
  16. // update task ui
  17. })
  18. }

More detail samples are here:


There is no such thing as the Best Architecture for an Android app.
There is the Best Architecture for your current app. And it is the one that let you collaborate with your teammates easily, finish the project on time, with quality and as less bugs as possible.

I believe Flux is very good for all of that.