项目作者: tamarit

项目描述 :
Reversible CSP Computations
高级语言: Erlang
项目地址: git://github.com/tamarit/reverCSP.git
创建时间: 2016-12-17T18:55:07Z

开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0



reverCSP is a tool that allows us to evaluate a CSP specification in both directions: forwards (traditional computation) and backwards (using our reversible computation framework). reverCSP uses internally csp_tracker to produce tracks of the computation so one can better follows what is being computed so far (or henceforth if going backwards).

Installation instructions are provided for x86 GNU/Linux systems, and a Dockerfile is provided for all others. Usage instructions follow, and a complete example is shown to display the capabilities of reverCSP.

Table of contents


GNU/Linux (x86)

reverCSP has the following dependencies: glibc (x86), Erlang, make and Graphviz (optional). Without Graphviz, reverCSP will only output DOT files, instead of generating the corresponding PDFs. In Debian or Ubuntu-based distributions, the dependencies would be installed with the following command:

  1. # apt-get install build-essential erlang graphviz

To compile the program, clone this repository recursively and then run make:

  1. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/tamarit/reverCSP.git
  2. $ cd reverCSP
  3. $ make compile

Windows and macOS

reverCSP is not yet capable of running natively on this platform, but a Docker container is available.


We also provide a Dockerfile in case all previous steps are not available in your current environment. To build the docker image run the following command:

  1. $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/tamarit/reverCSP.git
  2. $ cd reverCSP
  3. $ docker build -t revercsp .

Once the image is created, you can run a container using the following command:docker pull docker.pkg.github.com/tamarit/revercsp/revercsp:latest

  1. $ docker run --name csp -it -v $PWD/examples:/reverCSP/examples -v $PWD/output:/reverCSP/output --rm revercsp

Two folders are exposed to the docker container (see the -v option): ./examples, which contains CSP specifications and ./output, where PDFs representing the current track will be generated. When the container launches, the user is presented with a bash prompt, from which they can run reverCSP, as described in Usage.


The reverCSP tool needs a CSP specification as input. We can run the tool with the chosen CSP specification (e.g. examples/ex1.csp) using the following command:

  1. $ ./reverCSP examples/ex1.csp

Once launched, the user will be presented with a numbered menu, along with the current state of the CSP computation.


Consider the following CSP specification from the file examples/rc2020.csp:

  1. channel a, b
  2. MAIN = P [|{|a|}|] Q
  3. P = R [|{|a|}|] (a -> ((b -> SKIP) |~| Q))
  4. R = a -> SKIP
  5. Q = a -> (b -> SKIP)

It describes four concurrent processes that emit events a and b. The events are organized in four processes: MAIN, P, Q, R. The operators used are the following:

  • Event (lowercase letter): the given event is emitted, creating the output of the program.
  • Process (uppercase letter): a procedure, which may be executed concurrently.
  • Synchronized parallelism (x [|{|z|}|] y): x and y are executed in parallel, but must execute the z event at the same time.
  • Internal choice (x |~| y): only x or y is executed, and the choice is performed in a non-deterministic way.
  • Prefixing (x -> y): x is executed, then y is executed. If x is a process call, then y will only be executed if it ends with SKIP
  • SKIP: ends the process normally, without an error.

This specification can emit a number of outputs, such as no output, a, ab and abb. If we consider the last chain of events (abb), we can’t know if the second and third event were emitted from processes P and Q or Q and P.

Thus, we need to trace the execution with R-tracks, which describe each node executed with its operand (upper-right corner), the location in the code (bottom) and a timestamp (upper-left corner). Each element in the trace is connected to its arguments (operators) or to its body (process calls). The following image shows a R-track for an execution in which the internal choice in P executed its left-hand side (generated by an execution of reverCSP examples/rc2020.csp).

CSP track

This R-track has produced the output abb, executing a three-way synchronization for the first event (a, synchronized events share a timestamp and are linked with dashed red edges), then continuing on Q (bottom branch of the graph) for the second event (b) and finally performing the internal choice in the middle branch for the third event (b).

The process to produce this R-track can be seen in the following video:
