项目作者: gravins

项目描述 :
Twitter bot using Python and Tracery
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/gravins/cardsVSbots.git
创建时间: 2019-04-04T09:36:19Z




cardsVSbots is a Twitter bot based on the game Cards Against Humanity, a party game relying on the irony and sarcasm of its own players. This game consists of 2 different decks: black and white. In the black deck, the cards contains a sentence with one or more fill-in-the-blank statements. The white cards contains words or phrases typically deemed as offensive, risqué or politically incorrect used to complete the statements on the black card.

This bot is developed using Python and Tracery.

scraper.py : Python module based on Selenium to scraping Twitter web page

twitterbot.py : twitterbot script

black_card_tracery.txt : contains the tracery to generate the black cards

white_card_tracery.txt : contains the tracery to generate the white cards