项目作者: hanabiiii

项目描述 :
Lightning Web Component specially designed to easily optimize image loading
高级语言: Apex
项目地址: git://github.com/hanabiiii/lightning-image.git
创建时间: 2020-05-04T08:39:56Z

开源协议:MIT License



lightning-image is a Lightning Web Component specially designed to easily
optimize image loading. It’s optimized for fixed width/height images and images that stretch the full-width of a container.

Using Salesforce CRM Content thumbnail rendition servlet to optimize the thumbnail’s size.

Table of Contents


Large, unoptimized images dramatically slow down your site.

But creating optimized images for websites has long been a thorny problem.
Ideally you would:

  • Resize large images to the size needed by your design
  • Generate multiple smaller images so smartphones and tablets don’t download
    desktop-sized images
  • Efficiently lazy load images to speed initial page load and save bandwidth
  • Hold the image position so your page doesn’t jump while images load

Doing this consistently across a site feels like sisyphean labor. You manually
optimize your images and then… several images are swapped in at the last minute
or a design-tweak shaves 100px of width off your images.

This isn’t ideal. Optimized images should be easy and the default.


lightning-image works seamlessly with Salesforce CRM Content thumbnail rendition servlet. To produce perfect images,
you need only:

  1. Install lightning-image and use it in place of the built-in img
  2. Write a controller to query the Content thumbnail
    which specify the fields needed by lightning-image.


There are two ways to install this component:

  • Using a Scratch Org: This is the recommended installation option. Use this option if you are a developer who wants to experience the code.
  • Using an Unmanaged Package: This option allows anybody to experience the sample app without installing a local development environment.

Installing to your Org

  1. Set up your environment. Follow the steps in the Quick Start: Lightning Web Components Trailhead project. The steps include:
  • Install Salesforce CLI
  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install the Visual Studio Code Salesforce extensions, including the Lightning Web Components extension
  1. If you haven’t already done so, authenticate with your org
  1. sfdx force:auth:web:login
  1. Clone the repository:
  1. git clone https://github.com/hanabiiii/lightning-image.git
  2. cd lightning-image
  1. Deploy the component to your org:
  1. sfdx force:source:deploy -m LightningComponentBundle:lightningImage -u [your-account]

Installing using an Unmanaged Package

Click this link to install the unmanaged package in your org.

How to use

Please check the example component: Case Attachments.

Resolution switching

lightning-image supports showing different images at different breakpoints, which is known as Resolution switching: Different sizes.

lightning-image props

Name Type Description
title string Passed to the img element.
alt string Passed to the img element. Defaults to an empty string. alt=""
loading string Set the browser’s native lazy loading attribute. One of lazy or eager. Defaults to lazy.
src string / array Set the image src. Array object to support resolution switching { source, sourceSize , conditionSize , conditionSetSize }.
wrapperClass string Spread into the default class of the wrapper element.
wrapperStyle string Spread into the default styles of the wrapper element.
imageClass string Spread into the default class of the actual img element.
imageStyle string Spread into the default styles of the actual img element.
placeholderColor string Set a colored background placeholder. You can also pass in any valid color string. Defaults to lightgray.
imagePlaceholder named slot Used to replace the default placeholder.
durationFadeIn number Fading duration is set up to 500ms by default.
onload event An event that is called when the full-size image has loaded.
onstartload event An event that is called when the full-size image starts loading.
onerror event An event that is called when the image fails to load.