项目作者: ABHISHEK2F24

项目描述 :
Solution of the task for Amazon. [Avi EMEA]
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ABHISHEK2F24/Sorting-Algorithm-Visualizer-Sol.git

Sorting algorithm visualizer

Visualizing sorting algorithms, using the matplotlib library.

Algorithms covered so far:

Name Function Name
Quick Sort quick_sort
Bubble Sort bubble_sort
Selection Sort selection_sort
Insertion Sort insertion_sort
Heap Sort heap_sort
Merge Sort merge_sort
Cocktail Sort cocktail_sort
Cycle Sort cycle_sort
Pigeonhole Sort pigeonhole_sort
Comb Sort comb_sort



pip install -r requirements.txt


python main.py function_name

Pass function name as a command line argument from list of functions above
(in all lower case and spaces replaced by underscore).

For example:

python main.py quick_sort

How to contribute

If you want to add a new sorting algorithm:

  1. Code the algorithm in sorting.py.
  2. Name the function appropriately, like quick_sort, bubble_sort.
  3. While coding the function, do not use python lists. Instead, use an Array object. The Array class is defined in sorting.py. (See already implemented algorithms, for your reference)
  4. The Array object has swap, set, get_len, get methods implemented. Feel free to implement any more, additional methods, that you may see fit.
  5. Make sure you add the sorting algorithm to the Readme file!
  6. Make sure your newly implemented algorithm works, by running test.py after appending it to the list of algorithms in test.py.