Node package combining figlet and chalk.
figlet + chalk
npm install figchalk -g
// require the module
const figchalk = require('figchalk');
// modify string with both figlet and chalk
// syntax figchalk.mix(string, characterColor, fontStyle, horizontalSpacing, verticalSpacing)
console.log(figchalk.mix("figchalk", "blueBright", "Graffiti"));
// modify string with figlet only
// syntax figchalk.figlet(string, fontStyle, horizontalSpacing, verticalSpacing)
console.log(figchalk.figlet("figlet", "3d diagonal"));
// modify with chalk only
// syntax figchalk.chalk(string, characterColor, backgroundColor)
console.log(figchalk.chalk("chalk", "yellowBright"));
// set theme for particular chalk statements
// syntax figchalk.theme(characterColor, backgroundColor)
const theme = figchalk.theme("green", "bgWhiteBright");
// return chalk statement with theme
// syntax themeName(anyString)
console.log(theme("this statement has a theme"));
syntax : figchalk [-f or -c] [-s] <string> [--cc] <chalkColor> [--cb] <chalkBackground> [--ff] <figletFont> [--hl] <horizontalSpacing> [--vl] <verticalSpacing>
--version Show version number
-f, --figlet Figlet string
-c, --chalk Chalk coloured string
-s, --string String to be converted [required]
--cc, --chalkcolor String color
--cb, --chalkbg String background color
--ff, --figletfont String font
--hl, --horlay Horizontal spacing
--vl, --verlay Verticalal spacing
-h, --help Show help
figchalk -f -s string // output figlet string with standard font
figchalk -f -s string --ff Ghost // output figlet string with Ghost font
figchalk -c -s string // output default colored string
figchalk -c -s string --cc cyanBright // output cyanBright colored string
figchalk -s string // output figlet string with default color and standard font
figchalk -s string --cc greenBright --ff // output figlet string with
Small // greenBright color and Doom font