项目作者: yangosoft

项目描述 :
Dirty semaphore to play with
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/yangosoft/MicroSemaphore.git
创建时间: 2019-04-17T06:13:14Z

开源协议:The Unlicense



Dirty semaphore to play with.

It’s written for a ATMEGA168p but can be easily ported to any microcontroller of the same family.

  1. 5v--- BTN-----> PIN4 (INT0)
  2. |
  3. 150R
  4. |
  5. GND
  6. GND---150R---|<RED ----> PIN11 (PD6)
  7. GND---150R---|<YELLOW ----> PIN12 (PD7)
  8. GND---150R---|<GREEN ----> PIN17 (PB0)

The microcontroller sleeps after a few sequences.
The button allows the user to change the sequence.