A collaborative story told using the last letter, first letter writing pattern.
A collaborative story told using the last letter, first letter writing pattern. This pattern has only one simple rule: the first letter of the first word in a sentence must match the previous sentence’s last word’s last letter.
Read the story so far at the-story.md.
If this is the latest sentence of the story:
Under a dull, slate-gray sky, the wind-swept beach was empty, save for a few piles of driftwood, the odd seashell, and Harold the Forgetful Hedgehog.
The last word in the sentence — Hedgehog — ends in the letter G. This means that, according to the last letter, first letter rule, the first word of the next sentence must start with a G. For example:
Gazing out at the indifferent sea, Harold’s absent-minded mind tried in vain to mould his mushy memory into a shape from which he could divine why he was at the seashore, alone, carrying an oversized novelty rubber mallet.
This verbose sentence could then be followed by a sentence starting with a T such as:
“This,” thought Harold, “sucks.”
As you can see, save for the letter rule, building a story like this holds boundless freedom to be creative, concise, comical, or cerebral.
An underlying goal of this repo is to offer more people — especially non-developers — the opportunity to contribute to open source projects. It is also a low-stakes way to practice GitHub workflows.
git add
and git commit
your workgit push
your branch to origin
Digital Ocean has a nice walkthrough of the above steps, if you need a little more direction.