项目作者: mashrafhemdan1

项目描述 :
This is a collection of ML projects implementing ML algorithms from scratch
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mashrafhemdan1/machine_learning_projects.git

Machine Learning Projects

This is a set of machine learing projects that was done as part of the MITx 6.86x: Machine Leanring from linear models to deep learning course on Edx. Projects covers a variety of topics including SVM, kernels, Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning …etc. The projects doesn’t involve sikit-learn functions and libraries. The used ML algorithms is implemented from scratch.
The projects are as follows:
1- Automatic Review Analyzer
2- Digit Recognition using different algorithms
3- Movie Rating predictor using Collaborative Learning and EM algorithm
4- Text-based game using Reinforment Learning
Here is a link to the MITx course https://www.edx.org/course/machine-learning-with-python-from-linear-models-to