项目作者: mahmoudnafifi

项目描述 :
Dynamic length colour palettes
高级语言: MATLAB
项目地址: git://github.com/mahmoudnafifi/dynamic-length-color-palettes.git
创建时间: 2019-06-02T00:09:23Z

开源协议:MIT License


Dynamic length color palettes


Quick start

Change imgname to your input image name in demo.m, then run.
There are two versions of our method implemented in getBestCP and getBestCP_. You can test them by changing line 10 in demo.m ([K, C, Labels] = getBestCP(I, 0); or [K, C, Labels] = getBestCP_(I, 0);).

You can test our online demo from here.

Mahmoud Afifi, “Dynamic length colour palettes.”, Electronics Letters (2019).

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