SublimeText Snippets for CodeIgniter4
That project was started for my own needs, but some real documentation will follow and the rest of the usefull tags.
When i’ll add more snippets, the repo will be proposed as a Sublime Package, but until then you can clone or download it and place the folder inside ‘SublimeText3\Packages\User‘ folder.
Code | Renders | Tip | |
[ci-m]+Tab |
Model | Have inside the basics for db connection | |
[ci-c]+Tab |
Controller | With data loading from the model and view rendering | |
[ci-l]+Tab |
Layout | Naked skeleton, to work with the view below | |
[ci-v]+Tab |
Vue | Extending the layout above ^^ | |
—- | - Controllers&Routing - | —- | |
—- | - inside controllers - | —- | |
[ci-hw]+Tab |
HelloWorld Controller | The most basic controller, as a starting point. | |
[ci-pubF]+Tab |
public function | For the methods within Controllers, and more | |
[ci-ptcF]+Tab |
protected function | For the private logic. See Controllers doc. | |
[ci-tReq]+Tab |
$this->request | … | |
[ci-tRsp]+Tab |
$this->response | … | |
[ci-tLog]+Tab |
$this->logger | … | |
[ci-load-helpers]+Tab |
Load needed helpers | Better to load them once in a BaseController | |
[ci-new-Model]+Tab |
Create the instance… | Can be done if we first ci-use-Model |
[ci-get-Model]+Tab |
…grab the Data. | Create the array with the data for the ‘loop’ | |
[ci-isFile-thEx]+Tab |
Check if file exist | If not, throw exception. Done before load views. | |
[ci-data]+Tab |
Creates the $data array | The strings and arrays to be sent into the Views | |
[ci-load-Parser]+Tab |
Makes the Parser available | Captain Obvious striked again. | |
[ci-load-PView]+Tab |
Renders a ‘parsed’ View | Where we echo variables as {title} | |
[ci-echo-View]+Tab |
Renders a PHP View | Where we echo variables as <?= $title ?> |
—- | - filters - | —- | |
[ci-filter]+Tab |
Filter file skeleton | *For adding filter ‘before’ and | or ‘after the controller* |
—- | - routing - | —- | |
[ci-routesGrp]+Tab |
route Group | Nesting routes that share the same initial segment. | |
[ci-routes]+Tab |
simple route | Like the ‘about’ route, loading the ‘About’ Controller | |
[ci-routesSeg]+Tab |
(:segment) route | Great for single posts. Match first segment. | |
[ci-RoutesAny]+Tab |
(:any) route | Will match everything from the URI | |
[ci-RoutesNum]+Tab |
(:num) route | When expecting a numeric segment like xByID/$id | |
[ci-RoutesAlpha]+Tab |
(:alpha) route | No numbers | |
[ci-RoutesAlNum]+Tab |
(:alphanum) route | Letters and/or numbers | |
[ci-RoutesHash]+Tab |
(:hash) route | See the Models Docs for the usage | |
—- | - Build Responses - | —- | |
[ci-list-errors]+Tab |
Show validation errors | Often placed right above the Form | |
[ci-loop]+Tab |
Looping trough arrays | That’s the PHP version with foreach and /foreach |
[ci-pl]+Tab |
Parsed Loop | Just a quick {foo}{bar}{/foo} to display array elements like news |
[ci-e]+Tab |
<?= $foo ?> |
Echo out a variable sent by the controller within the $data array | |
[ci-et]+Tab |
<?= ?> |
Just the empty ‘EchoTag’ in its short version | |
[ci-var]+Tab |
$foo[‘bar’] | Use that inside ci-loop to print the variables from the result |
—- | - Some Basics - | —- | |
[ci-t]+Tab |
$this-> | …preaty self explanatory. |
Model FileUsual models location: App/Models/
The meaning of the config settings are in the docs at CI4 Docs> Modeling Data> Using CodeIgniter’s Model.
The exemple function is from the official “News section” tutorial.
<?php namespace ${1:App}\Models;
use CodeIgniter\Model;
class ${2:News}Model extends Model
protected \$table = '${3:news}';
protected \$primaryKey = '${4:id}';
protected $returnType = 'array';
protected $useSoftDeletes = false;
protected \$allowedFields = ['title', 'slug'];
// protected $useTimestamps = false;
// protected $createdField = 'created_at';
// protected $updatedField = 'updated_at';
// protected $deletedField = 'deleted_at';
// protected $validationRules = [];
// protected $validationMessages = [];
// protected $skipValidation = false;
// Exemple function to retrive data
public function get${2:News}(\$slug = false)
if (\$slug === false)
return \$this->orderBy('id', 'desc')->findAll(); // Get all records
return \$this->asArray()
->where(['slug' => \$slug])
${0} // or Get one record
To follow along with the official tutorial, create the news table as follow:
Within phpMyAdmin
title varchar(128) NOT NULL,
slug varchar(128) NOT NULL,
body text NOT NULL,
KEY slug (slug)
(1,'Elvis sighted','elvis-sighted','Elvis was sighted at the Podunk internet cafe. It looked like he was writing a CodeIgniter app.'),
(2,'Say it isn\'t so!','say-it-isnt-so','Scientists conclude that some programmers have a sense of humor.'),
(3,'Caffeination, Yes!','caffeination-yes','World\'s largest coffee shop open onsite nested coffee shop for staff only.');
In the .env file from CI root folder:
database.default.hostname = localhost
database.default.database = ci4tutorial
database.default.username = root
database.default.password = root
database.default.DBDriver = MySQLi
… that will create a basic news table.
Controller FileUsual controllers location: App/Controllers/
Keeped (commented) the basic stuff needed to get data from a Model,
the exemple works with the News model from the official tutorial.
Read the Controllers Doc for more details.
<?php namespace ${1:App}\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
//use App\Models\NewsModel;
class ${2:News} extends Controller
public function index()
//\$model = new NewsModel();
\$data = [
//'news' => $model->getNews(),
'title' => 'Some title',
echo view('${3:news}/${4:index}', $data);
LayoutsUsual layouts location: App/Views/Layouts/
Basically an HTML skeleton with at least one ‘section’ inside,
acting like a placeholder into the views extended from the layout.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<?= $this->renderSection('content') ?>
ViewSnippet file: CI4-Snippets/ci4-view.sublime-snippet
Usual models location: App/Views/
Filling up the sections defined into the layout.
<?= \$this->extend('${1:layouts/main}') ?>
<?= \$this->section('${2:content}') ?>
${3:content goes here}
<?= \$this->endSection() ?>
Copyright 2019, Andrei Curelaru