项目作者: luoser

项目描述 :
The best bitmoji commands to use in slack with your friends, and colleagues.
项目地址: git://github.com/luoser/bitmoji-slack-commands.git
创建时间: 2016-11-14T22:51:27Z



best Friendmoji slack commands!

yes, i have been collecting these throughout my work days.

to see the friendmoji just type /bitmoji @username command. HOT TIP you can also @yourself.

  1. achoo
  2. alarm clock
  3. are you kidding me
  4. avocado
  5. ayyy lmao
  6. baby
  7. backpack
  8. bacon
  9. bad ass
  10. bath
  11. beach
  12. bedtime
  13. besties
  14. blue heart
  15. blushin
  16. bruh
  17. brutal
  18. burger
  19. can i help you
  20. car
  21. cat
  22. challenge accepted
  23. cheerio
  24. cheers
  25. chill
  26. chinese new year
  27. clutch
  28. cocktail
  29. coffee
  30. cuddles
  31. cup of tea
  32. current mood
  33. dab
  34. daisy
  35. dead
  36. do it
  37. dope
  38. dog
  39. don't play
  40. donut
  41. drink
  42. dry
  43. egg
  44. eyes
  45. facepalm
  46. fail
  47. fake news
  48. fishing
  49. food
  50. fu
  51. funnel
  52. ghosting
  53. giddy up
  54. giggle
  55. gingerbread
  56. go me
  57. go team
  58. go you
  59. gold medal
  60. good call
  61. good night
  62. grass
  63. grilled cheese
  64. gtfo
  65. guitar
  66. hacky sack
  67. halloween
  68. hamburger
  69. happy
  70. happy valentine's day
  71. hate myself
  72. heart balloons
  73. heh
  74. hello
  75. hey
  76. hi you
  77. high five
  78. hilarious
  79. hmph
  80. hole
  81. hot
  82. hot dog
  83. hubba hubba
  84. hula hoop
  85. i forgot
  86. i hate you
  87. i hear ya
  88. i like
  89. i love you dummy
  90. i woke up like this
  91. ice
  92. ice cream
  93. iconic
  94. infinity
  95. jump
  96. karaoke
  97. kiss
  98. knock knock
  99. L
  100. legend
  101. life is hard
  102. limo
  103. lit
  104. literally
  105. lol wat
  106. loser
  107. lute
  108. math
  109. me
  110. meow
  111. miss you
  112. money
  113. nah fam
  114. nap
  115. new year new me
  116. no way
  117. nope
  118. not today
  119. oh dear
  120. one love
  121. onion
  122. oOoOo
  123. oopsie woopsie
  124. party
  125. peas in a pod
  126. petty af
  127. photo
  128. pole dance
  129. poo
  130. rain
  131. rainbow
  132. regrets
  133. ridic
  134. salad
  135. salad bowl
  136. salt shaker
  137. saturday
  138. savage
  139. saxophone
  140. shame
  141. shrug
  142. sick
  143. sips tea
  144. sleepy
  145. sloth
  146. smooch
  147. snapchat hot dog
  148. snowman
  149. so extra
  150. spit take
  151. spooky
  152. spoon
  153. spotlight
  154. stay tuned
  155. storm
  156. streak
  157. stripper
  158. sub
  159. sunny
  160. surfing
  161. sushi
  162. sweet
  163. team awesome
  164. tennis
  165. thank you
  166. thanks
  167. that sucks
  168. that's cold
  169. the champ
  170. thinking about you
  171. tired
  172. tree
  173. tuesday
  174. tumbleweed
  175. turn up
  176. u get me
  177. uh huh
  178. uh oh
  179. watermelon
  180. we got this
  181. what up fam
  182. why me
  183. winner
  184. woe is me
  185. woke
  186. woof
  187. woohoo
  188. xmas
  189. y tho
  190. yay
  191. you bet
  192. you can do it
  193. you got it
  194. you guys suck
  195. you had one job
  196. zero chill