A library for Per-Monitor DPI aware and color profile aware Window
A library for WPF Per-Monitor DPI aware and color profile aware window
The introduction of Per-Monitor DPI for WPF is roughly divided into two phases:
Per-Monitor DPI was first brought in Windows 8.1. It works with WPF but there is no built-in support for WPF.
Built-in Per-Monitor DPI support for WPF was added in .NET Framework 4.6.2 on Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Redstone 1). It includes DpiScale struct which represents DPI scale information and relevant methods and events.
Implementation after built-in support for WPF was added. It is designed to provide additional flexibilities for composing views under Per-Monitor DPI.
In the application manifest, DPI awareness must be specified:
<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<!-- Per Monitor V1 [OS >= Windows 8.1]
Values: False, True, Per-monitor, True/PM -->
<dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">
<!-- Per Monitor V1 [OS >= Windows 10 Anniversary Update (1607, 10.0.14393, Redstone 1)]
Values: Unaware, System, PerMonitor -->
<!-- Per Monitor V2 [OS >= Windows 10 Creators Update (1703, 10.0.15063, Redstone 2)]
Value: PerMonitorV2 -->
<dpiAwareness xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2016/WindowsSettings">
PerMonitorV2, PerMonitor</dpiAwareness>
Sample for implementation by Behavior.
Sample for implementation by attached property.
Components for DPI-aware window designed after Windows 10 style. It is required for MonitorAware to avoid inconsistent DPI scaling in non-client area but it works independently from MonitorAware.
Sample for SlateElement.
Experimental DPI-aware window designed after Windows 8.1 style.
Original implementation before built-in support for WPF was added. It includes following 3 types:
Type | Description |
MonitorAwareWindow | Per-Monitor DPI aware window. |
MonitorAwareBehavior | Behavior to make a window Per-Monitor DPI aware. This behavior is inherited from System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior and so requires System.Windows.Interactivity.dll. |
MonitorAwareProperty | Attached property to make a window Per-Monitor DPI aware. |
Property | Description |
WindowHandler.IsPerMonitorDpiAware | Whether current process is Per-Monitor DPI aware. |
WindowHandler.SystemDpi | System DPI. This value is used by default to render a Window and other FrameworkElements and so will be the starting point to adjust scaling of FrameworkElements that are once rendered. |
WindowHandler.MonitorDpi | Per-Monitor DPI of the monitor to which a Window belongs. This value will be updated when the Window receives WM_DPICHANGED message. |
WindowHandler.WindowDpi | Per-Monitor DPI to be used to render a Window. This value will be conformed to Per-Monitor DPI of the monitor when the Window moves to a location where the resized Window belongs to the destination monitor but not the source monitor. There will be a time lag between when WM_DPICHANGED message comes and when this value changes depending on the location of the Window. |
WindowHandler.ColorProfilePath | Color profile path used by the monitor to which a Window belongs. |
WindowHandler.ForbearScaling | Whether to forbear scaling. |
WillForbearScalingIfUnnecessary | Whether to forbear scaling if it is unnecessary because built-in scaling is enabled. |
Event | Description |
WindowHandler.DpiChanged | Occurs when the WindowDpi is conformed to the MonitorDpi. |
WindowHandler.ColorProfileChanged | Occurs when the ColorProfilePath is changed. |