check-bib-for-predatory - Double-check your bibliography (BibTeX, bib) for predatory publishers and journals
Double-check your bibliography (BibTeX, bib) for predatory publishers and journals
In order to ensure that no articles from predatory journals or publishers are cited, the tool compares the well-known predatory journals and publishers with your bibliography (BibTeX file). The titles in your bib file are compared with the well-known titles of the predatory journals based on cosine similarity score.
# Install venv from pyproject.toml
$ uv sync
$ uv run bib-file-to-be-checked.bib
# Refresh the local predatory journal cache before checking (! local cache will be overwritten)
$ uv run bib-file-to-be-checked.bib --refresh
Possible enhancements:
Feel free to extend it.
The used sources might not be complete. So in case you use this tool, make sure to use an up to date predatory journal repository.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.