cyb snap for metamask / cyber and cosmos wallet
Yes, you can use Metamask to communicate and create transactions in cosmos-sdk based chains.
This is snap. Snaps bring endless possibilities to Metamask and rocks web3 users’ experience/adoption. Read Metamask team announcment.
cyb snap allows you to communicate with cyber - consensus supercomputer for computing relevance in The Great Web or, simply, decentralized Google. #fuckgoogle
cyb snap allows you to create cyberlinks + send tokens, and perform staking, distribution and governance actions in cyber/cosmos-sdk based networks.
cyb snap going to be integrated to soon, follow dot-cyber release board
PS: as cyber based on cosmos-SDK it is the first case of using Metamask and Snaps to work with the non-Ethereum chain and to use different cryptography.
Metamask plugin system or snaps main core features are the advanced keys system and permissions-based access to extended API. It generates unique private keys for a given snap from your core mnemonic and snap origin URL. Snap works using specially generated for their domain keys, contract accounts.
First, you need to install MetaMask Snaps Beta. Read the Wiki.
Recommend local build against developer branch (maybe broken, worked on 220784cafd2e22bed083e385ef247810660966db) and install unpacked extension to your Chrome.
Second, you need to install Snaps-CLI to build and serve cyb snap locally.
git clone
cd cyb-snap
npm install
mm-snap build
mm-snap serve
Open localhost:8084 and press connect. Metamask will ask you to add snap and provide needed to snap permissions.
Note to devs: mm-snap serve will update your front-side but to update snap’s bundle code, and you need to build bundle after changes, remove plugin and permissions from metamask and install them again pressing connect.
For developers and highly motivated users from metamask/cyber/cosmos community.
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates - large or small. We are always thrilled to receive pull requests and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Cyber License - Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask.