A Mac tool that finds available delivery slots for Amazon's Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services
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A Mac-only tool that finds available delivery slots for Amazon.com’s Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services.
No guarantee that slots will be found and/or that slots will work. Often you will select a slot but the page will refresh and the slot will disappear. These phantom slots are very common and are unfortunately in Amazon’s control, not mine. Eventually a slot should work. Some users report success of after 20+ tries. Wishing you resilience and hope! Feel free to post concerns in the Issues section.
The script will stop running if your computer falls asleep. You can adjust your ‘Energy Saver’ settings in System Preferences or download Caffeine app to keep your Mac awake.
Currently not compatible with Whole Foods orders from primenow.amazon.com. Currently only compatible with Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods orders from amazon.com. Prime Now compatibility may be added eventually. Check here for any progress.
Before using this tool, ensure that your checkout page looks exactly like the examples in the Compatible section below.
This tool currently only works for some regions because Amazon’s checkout pages seem to vary based on your location and I designed the tool based on the page I see in my region.
If your checkout page doesn’t look like the examples in the Compatible or Incompatible sections below, this tool may still work for you but no guarantees.
These are sample screenshots for delivery to a New Jersey address
The Coronavirus 2019 pandemic caused a surge in demand for grocery delivery services, making it nearly impossible to find an open delivery slot. My intention in providing this tool is first and foremost help those in need (e.g. at-risk people, health care workers) have an easier time staying safe. The idea came to me when I realized my parents, who both have auto-immune diseases, had been trying unsuccesfully for several days to get grocery delivery slots.
Thank you so much for wanting to support me! I don’t want anything in return for this tool - I’m just happy to be hearing all the stories about how this has helped people, especially those in need. That said, a few people have wanted to donate. Please consider donating to GiveDirectly which directly pays affected families, or one of the many other charities addressing COVID-19.
If you’d like to support me directly: I am graduating from Georgetown Undergrad Business School in May and looking for a job opportunities so any introductions or leads would be greatly appreciated. Broadly speaking, I’m interested in the intersection of business/tech, including product management, operations, and business/data analytics. My resume
A copy of the code is also available in .txt format. However, this copy might not be the most up to date version. The .scpt file is the most current and the one you should download if you want to run this tool.