项目作者: mirceaulinic

项目描述 :
Salt plugin to automate the management and configuration of (network) devices at scale, without running (Proxy) Minions.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mirceaulinic/salt-sproxy.git
创建时间: 2019-01-21T09:47:28Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


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Salt plugin to automate the management
and configuration of network devices at scale, without running (Proxy) Minions.

Using salt-sproxy, you can continue to benefit from the scalability,
flexibility and extensibility of Salt, while you don’t have to manage thousands
of (Proxy) Minion services. However, you are able to use both salt-sproxy
and your (Proxy) Minions at the same time.

Why salt-sproxy

salt-sproxy can be used as a standalone tool to manage your devices without
having any further requirements, as well as an extension to your existing Salt
environment (if you already have). In other words, if you have a Salt
installation where you manage some network devices and servers, installing
salt-sproxy on your Master will allow you to run any Salt command as always,
e.g., executing salt \* test.ping and salt-sproxy \* test.ping will have
the exact same effect, and result. On top of that, using salt-sproxy allows
you to manage other devices for which you don’t run (Proxy) Minions for.

Of course, if you don’t already have Salt, no problem, you can start managing
your devices straight away, check out the quick
start steps

In brief, here are some benefits you can get by using salt-sproxy:

  • Say goodbye to the burden of managing hundreds of system services for the
    Proxy Minion processes.
  • Reuse your existing extension modules, templates, Pillars, States, etc., you
    may have already developed in your Salt environment, transparently.
  • You can run it locally, on your own computer.
  • You can use salt-sproxy to uniformly manage network devices, servers
    (either using regular Minions, or SSH), applications
    (e.g., Docker containers, VMWare ESXi clusters and vCenters, Marathon or
    Chronos clusters, etc.), and virtually anything that has a programmable
  • Python programming made a breeze - might go well with the
    ISalt package.
  • Integrates easily with your existing Salt environment (if you have), by
    installing the package on your Salt Master.
  • Can continue to leverage the event-driven automation and orchestration
  • Can continue using any of the usual targeting mechanisms.
  • REST API, see also
    the Salt REST API
  • By sending events to a Salt Master, you are able to implement whatever
    auditing you need (e.g., what command was executed by who and when, etc.).
  • Benefit from inheriting all the native Salt features and integrations
    contributed by thousands of users, and tested in hundreds of different
    environments, over almost a decade of development.

Is salt-sproxy a wrapper around salt-ssh?

No, nothing to do with salt-ssh. The core of salt-sproxy is a Runner loaded
dynamically on runtime, that spins up a pool of child processes, each running
a temporary light version of the Proxy Minion underneath; as soon as the
execution is complete for a device, its associated Proxy Minion is shut down,
and another one takes its place into the child processes bucket.

A source of confusion may also be the usage of the Roster interface, which,
historically has only been used by salt-ssh, although the Roster is not
tightly coupled with salt-ssh: it just happened to be the only use case so
far. Essentially, the Roster simply provides a list of devices together with
their credentials (e.g., similar to the inventory as dubbed in other
automation frameworks) - and now has another use case in salt-sproxy.


The package is distributed via PyPI, under the name salt-sproxy. If you
would like to install it on your computer, you might want to run it under a
virtual environment.

Besides the CLI, the usage remains the same as when you’re running a Salt
environment with Proxy or regular Minions. See the following documents on how
to get started and fully unleash the power of Salt:


Install this package where you would like to manage your devices from. In case
you need a specific Salt version, make sure you install it beforehand,
otherwise this package will bring the latest Salt version available instead.


  1. pip install salt-sproxy

To install a specific Salt version, execute, e.g.,

  1. pip install salt==2018.3.4
  2. pip install salt-sproxy

See https://salt-sproxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html
for more installation details.


The complete documentation is available at

On Unix distributions you can also check the documentation locally, by
executing man salt-sproxy.

Quick Start

See this recording for a live quick start:

In the above, minion1 is
a dummy
Proxy Minion, that can be used for getting started and make the first steps
without connecting to an actual device, but get used to the salt-sproxy

The Master configuration file is /home/mircea/master, which is why the
command is executed using the -c option specifying the path to the directory
with the configuration file. In this Master configuration file, the
pillar_roots option points to /srv/salt/pillar which is where
salt-sproxy is going to load the Pillar data from. Accordingly, the Pillar
Top file is under that path, /srv/salt/pillar/top.sls:

  1. base:
  2. minion1:
  3. - dummy

This Pillar Top file says that the Minion minion1 will have the Pillar data
from the dummy.sls from the same directory, thus

  1. proxy:
  2. proxytype: dummy

In this case, it was sufficient to only set the proxytype field to

salt-sproxy can be used in conjunction with any of the available Salt
Proxy modules
or others that you might have in your own environment. See
to understand how to write a new Proxy module if you require.

For example, let’s take a look at how we can manage a network device through
the NAPALM Proxy:

In the same Python virtual environment as previously, make sure you have
NAPALM installed, by executing pip install napalm (see
for further installation requirements, depending on the platform you’re running on). The
connection credentials for the juniper-router are stored in the
/srv/salt/pillar/junos.sls Pillar, and we can go ahead and start executing
arbitrary Salt commands, e.g.,
to retrieve the ARP table, or
to apply a configuration change on the router.

The Pillar Top file in this example was (under the same path as previously, as
the Master config was the same):

  1. base:
  2. juniper-router:
  3. - junos


First off, make sure you have the Salt
Pillar Top file is
correctly defined and the proxy key is available into the Pillar. For more
in-depth explanation and examples, check
tutorial from the official SaltStack docs.

Once you have that, you can start using salt-sproxy even without any Proxy
Minions or Salt Master running. To check, can start by executing:

  1. $ salt-sproxy -L a,b,c --preview-target
  2. - a
  3. - b
  4. - c

The syntax is very similar to the widely used CLI command salt, however the
way it works is completely different under the hood:

salt-sproxy <target> <function> [<arguments>]

Usage Example:

  1. $ salt-sproxy cr1.thn.lon test.ping
  2. cr1.thn.lon:
  3. True

You can continue reading further details at
for now, check out the following section to see how to get started with
salt-sproxy straight away.

See also https://salt-sproxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/index.html
for more usage examples.

Event-Driven Automation and Orchestration

It is still possible to use the salt-sproxy functionality in the event-driven
context, even without running Proxy or regular Minions. To see how to achieve
this, see this section of the documentation:

Using the Salt REST API

Salt has natively available an HTTP API. You can read more at
if you haven’t used it before. The usage is very simple; for salt-sproxy
specifically you can follow the notes from https://salt-sproxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salt_sapi.html how to set it up and
use. Usage example - apply a small configuration change on a Juniper device, by
executing an HTTP request via the Salt API:

  1. $ curl -sS localhost:8080/run -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
  2. -d eauth='pam' \
  3. -d username='mircea' \
  4. -d password='pass' \
  5. -d client='sproxy' \
  6. -d tgt='juniper-router' \
  7. -d fun='net.load_config' \
  8. -d text='set system ntp server'
  9. return:
  10. - juniper-router:
  11. already_configured: false
  12. comment: ''
  13. diff: '[edit system]
  14. + ntp {
  15. + server;
  16. + }'
  17. loaded_config: ''
  18. result: true

See the documentation
for explanation, and this example
for a quick start.

What’s included

When installing salt-sproxy, besides the core files (i.e., cli.py,
parsers.py, scripts.py, and version.py), you will find the
following directories and files, which provide additional features and
backwards compatibility with older Salt versions:

  1. |-- cli.py
  2. |-- parsers.py
  3. |-- _roster/
  4. | |-- ansible.py
  5. | |-- file.py
  6. | |-- netbox.py
  7. | `-- pillar.py
  8. |-- _runners/
  9. | `-- proxy.py
  10. |-- scripts.py
  11. `-- version.py

The extension modules under the _roster and _runner directories are
documented at https://salt-sproxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/roster/index.html
and https://salt-sproxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/runners/index.html,


A Docker image is available at
and you can pull it, e.g., docker pull ghcr.io/mirceaulinic/salt-sproxy:master. See
for further usage instructions and examples.


Get updates on the salt-sproxy development, and chat with the project
maintainer(s) and community members:


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the
file for details.


Thanks to Daniel Wallace for the