Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library
Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library. Contains helper functions to be used with the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin.
The Docker Image
class expects 3 or 4 arguments in its constructor call
# | Type | Required | Description |
1 | Script | Y | A reference to the Script object, always this when instantiated from the Jenkinsfile. |
2 | String | Y | The name of the image, including the Docker Hub organization. i.e. invocaops/ruby . |
3 | String[] | Y | An array of tags to apply to the image. |
4 | String | N | The directory that the Dockerfile is in. Useful when multiple versions of the image need to be built. Defaults to the directory the Jenkinsfile is in. |
Example for Ruby 2.4.2, which is in a directory named 2.4.2
and being built from the master branch with SHA 12345
image = new Image(this, "invocaops/ruby", ["2.4.2-12345", "2.4.2-master"], "2.4.2")
The Image
class has 4 main methods to perform operations
Method | Arguments | Action |
build() | buildArgs (Map) | Buils the Docker image. |
tag() | None | Tags the image. |
push() | None | Pushes the image and its tags to Docker Hub. |
Each method returns a reference to the Image
object, so chaining is possible.
The Image#build
method takes a Map
of build arguments.
Argument | Type | Required | Description |
gitUrl | String | Y | URL to remote Git repository. Set to env.GIT_URL . |
buildArgs | Map | N | foo=bar pairings for docker build --build-arg . |
dockerFile | String | N | Name of Dockerfile file, defaults to Dockerfile . |
target | String | N | Target stage to build to in the docker build. |
In addition to the included Git environment variables, we currently assume access to credentials for DockerHub. You’ll need to explicitly set these in your environment.
Variable | Available By Default | Description |
DOCKERHUB_USER | N | Username for DockerHub. |
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD | N | Password for DockerHub. |
GIT_COMMIT | Y | SHA of current build. |
GIT_URL | Y | URL of GitHub repository being built. |
GIT_BRANCH | Y | The name of the checked out branch. |
To use this library, start your Jenkinsfile
After, parts of the library can be imported and used. Below is an example of a Jenkinsfile
that builds multiple versions of the Ruby image.
import com.invoca.docker.*;
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Setup') {
steps {
script {
def imageName = "invocaops/ruby"
def directories = sh(script: 'ls **/Dockerfile | while read dir; do echo $(dirname $dir); done', returnStdout: true).split("\n")
def sha = env.GIT_COMMIT
def branchName = env.GIT_BRANCH
images = directories.collect {
String[] tags = ["${it}-${branchName}", "${it}-${sha}"]
new Image(this, imageName, tags, it)
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
for (Image image : images) { env.GIT_URL).tag()
stage('Push') {
environment {
DOCKERHUB_USER = credentials('dockerhub_user')
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD = credentials('dockerhub_password')
steps {
script {
new Docker().hubLogin(env.DOCKERHUB_USER, env.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD)
for (Image image : images) {
post {
always {
Please read more about libraries in the Jenkins documentation.