Get-MediaInfo is a complete PowerShell MediaInfo solution
Get-MediaInfo is a PowerShell MediaInfo solution.
It consists of three functions:
Installation or download via PowerShellGet:
Converts media file objects into MediaInfo objects.
Get-MediaInfo [[-Path] <string[]>] [-Video] [-Audio] [<CommonParameters>]
Converts media file objects into MediaInfo objects.
Displays media files of the defined folder using a grid view.
Get-ChildItem 'D:\Samples' | Get-MediaInfo | Out-GridView
Same as above but using the current folder and aliases.
gci | gmi | ogv
Find duplicates by comparing the duration.
gci | gmi | select filename, duration, filesize | group duration | where { $_.count -gt 1 } | select -expand group | format-list
String array with audio or video files or FileInfo objects via pipeline.
Only video files will be processed.
Only audio files will be processed.
String array with audio or video files as Path parameter or FileInfo objects via pipeline.
MediaInfo objects.
Returns specific properties from media files.
[-Path] <string>
[-Kind] {General | Video | Audio | Text | Image | Menu}
[[-Index] <int>]
[-Parameter] <string>
Returns specific properties from media files.
Get the artist from a MP3 file.
Get-MediaInfoValue '.\Meg Myers - Desire (Hucci Remix).mp3' -Kind General -Parameter Performer
Meg Myers
Get the channel count in a MP3 file. Return types are always strings and if necessary must be cast to integer.
'.\Meg Myers - Desire (Hucci Remix).mp3' | Get-MediaInfoValue -Kind Audio -Parameter 'Channel(s)'
Get the language of the second audio stream in a movie.
The Index parameter is zero based.
Get-MediaInfoValue '.\The Warriors.mkv' -Kind Audio -Index 1 -Parameter 'Language/String'
Get the count of subtitle streams in a movie.
Get-MediaInfoValue '.\The Warriors.mkv' -Kind General -Parameter 'TextCount'
Path to a media file.
-Kind General | Video | Audio | Text | Image | Menu
A MediaInfo kind.
Kinds and their properties can be seen with MediaInfo.NET.
Zero based stream number.
Name of the property to get.
The property names can be seen with MediaInfo.NET with following setting enabled:
Show parameter names as they are used in the MediaInfo API
They can also be seen with Get-MediaInfoSummary with the -Raw flag enabled.
Input can be defined with the Path parameter, pipe input supports a path as string or a FileInfo object.
Output will always be of type string and must be cast to other types like integer if necessary.
To retrieve specific properties with highest possible performance the .NET class must be used directly:
$mi = New-Object MediaInfo -ArgumentList $Path
$value1 = $mi.GetInfo($Kind, $Index, $Parameter)
$value2 = $mi.GetInfo($Kind, $Index, $Parameter)
Shows a summary in text format for a media file.
Get-MediaInfoSummary [-Path] <string> [-Full] [-Raw] [<CommonParameters>]
Shows a summary in text format for a media file.
Get-MediaInfoSummary 'D:\Samples\Downton Abbey.mkv'
Path to a media file. Can also be passed via pipeline.
Show a extended summary.
Show not the friendly parameter names but rather the names as they are used in the MediaInfo API.
Parameter names passed to Get-MediaInfoValue -Parameter must use the raw parameter name.
Path as string to a media file. Can also be passed via pipeline.
A summary line by line as string array.
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