This module contains DSC resources for configuration of the WSMan Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP).
This module contains DSC resources for the management and
configuration of Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP).
This project has adopted this Code of Conduct.
For each merge to the branch main
a preview release will be
deployed to PowerShell Gallery.
Periodically a release version tag will be pushed which will deploy a
full release to PowerShell Gallery.
Please check out common DSC Community contributing guidelines.
A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.
The documentation can be found in the xCredSSP Wiki.
The DSC resources schema files is used to automatically update the
documentation on each PR merge.
This module requires the latest version of PowerShell (v4.0, which ships in
Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012R2). To easily use PowerShell 4.0 on older
operating systems, install WMF 4.0.
Please read the installation instructions that are present on both the download
page and the release notes for WMF 4.0.
You can review the Examples directory in the xCredSSP module
for some general use scenarios for all of the resources that are in the module.
The resource examples are also available in the xCredSSP Wiki.
This resource enables or disables Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP)
authentication on a client or on a server computer, and which server or servers
the client credentials can be delegated to.
Enable CredSSP for both server and client roles, and delegate to Server1 and Server2.
Configuration EnableCredSSP
Import-DscResource -Module xCredSSP
Node localhost
xCredSSP Server
Ensure = "Present"
Role = "Server"
xCredSSP Client
Ensure = "Present"
Role = "Client"
DelegateComputers = "Server1","Server2"