Gradle plugin for AspectJ binary weaving
Disclamer: I don’t use this plugin in my projects anymore and currently don’t plan to support it in foreseeable future. In general, it works well but a bit outdated (Gradle, AspectJ versions). Feel free to fork it and adopt for your needs.
Gradle plugin for AspectJ binary weaving. It works similar to
doing the weaving on the weaving over already compiled classes. It is particularly helpful if the source code
is written in a language different from Java. For example, Kotlin, as it produces
fully compatible Java bytecode. It goes without saying that the plugin works for Java sources as well.
, so it requires JDK 8 or above to work. Here is an example project in the examples
folder. Basically you need to add the plugin to your build script
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.github.sedovalx.gradle:gradle-aspectj-binary:$pluginVersion"
apply plugin: 'com.github.sedovalx.gradle-aspectj-binary'
task becomes available after that. By default, if the java
plugin is not disabled via
configuration (see below), there are pre-configured tasks dependencies:
weaveClasses.dependsOn compileJava
classes.dependsOn weaveClasses
so you can just run the build and have all your aspects in the main
source set applied.
You need to weave both aspects and classes where aspects should be applied. So if you have aspect
classes in a project A and classes to be weaved in a project B you should add theweaveClasses
task to the build
process of both projects. See theexamples
project for details.
The plugins can be configured with the following parameters
aspectjBinary {
applyJavaPlugin = true
weaveClasses {
ajcSourceSets = [project.sourceSets.main]
outputDir = project.file(...)
source = '1.7'
target = '1.7'
additionalAjcParams = ['-proceedOnError']
writeToLog = true
should the java
plugin be applied with the aspectjBinary
plugin. By default, it is applied butajcSourceSets
property values by yourself as there is no default configuration for Android projects (any help is appreciated). ajcSourceSets
is a set of Gradle source sets to be weaved. By default, it includes the main
source set only.compileClasspath
and runtimeClasspath
collections are extracted from each source set.outputDir
is a folder where the weaved classes are copied. By default, it is build/classes/java/main
. source
has ‘1.7’ as default value and is passed as it is to the ajc compiler parametertarget
has ‘1.7’ as default value and is passed as it is to the ajc compiler parameteradditionalAjcParams
allows addition of arbitrary entries to the tail of the default AJC parameters writeToLog
has false
as a default value and defines if ajc’s compile messages shouldtrue
all the messages are written in thebuild/ajc.log
file and do not affect the build result. Otherwise, error or warning messages areThe examples project depends on a version of the plugin. In case of a clean build no plugin version exists in
the repository. So I use a little bit hacky way to do the trick.
$ echo "include 'plugin'" > settings.gradle
$ ./gradlew clean :plugin:publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal
$ echo "include 'plugin', 'examples', 'examples:aspects', 'examples:app'" > settings.gradle
$ ./gradlew :examples:app:run