Additional tools, utilities, and capabilities for Cucumber.js.
Additional tools, utilities, and capabilities for Cucumber.js.
, AfterStep
, and BeforeValue
.1) Install cucumber
and cucumber-extra
npm install cucumber cucumber-extra --save
Note: Cucumber.js 5.0.0 and above is supported.
2) Create a ./cucumber.js
file in your project and set it to the following:
module.exports = require('cucumber-extra/init');
If you already have a ./cucumber.js
file: Don’t panic! You won’t be needing it anymore
3) Create a ./cucumber-extra.yaml
file in your project. You can configure all the things here (including those profiles you used to keep in the ./cucumber.js
Congratulations on being extra!
This package provides a convinient way of managing one or more profiles in YAML, making it simple to keep track of step definition libraries, languages, formatters, and other configurable options in your test project.
Here is an example of configuring all possible command-line options through profiles. You can omit this section entirely or only add the parameters you wish to change:
backtrace: false
dryRun: false
exit: false
failFast: false
- progress
- summary
option1: test
language: ISO 639-1
noStrict: true
order: defined
parallel: 3
- some/file.js
- some/directory
- some/glob/pattern/**/*.js
- module1
- module2
retry: 3
retryTagFilter: "@retry"
tags: "not @ignore"
param1: test
You can define one or more profiles here, and then use the --profile <name>
flag to specify it when you run ./node_modules/.bin/cucumber-js
. For more information on command-line parameters, review the Cucumber.js CLI documentation.
This package implements a step definition wrapper using setDefinitionFunctionWrapper
in order to provide step-level hooks and the ability to modify step definition arguments at runtime. This wrapper is compatible with synchronous and asynchronous step definitions, and supports both callbacks and promises.
const { BeforeStep, AfterStep, BeforeValue } = require('cucumber-extra');
// runs before every step.
BeforeStep(function({ pickle, args }) {
// use `this` to reference the current scenario context here.
// runs after every step.
AfterStep(function({ pickle, args, err, result }) {
// use `this` to reference the current scenario context here.
// runs for every argument and table header and value.
// Example: make all step definition arguments upper case strings.
BeforeValue(value => `${value}`.toUpperCase());
Add the following section to your cucumber-extra.yaml
# (default: 0) the number of milliseconds to wait before a step is executed.
before: 1000
# (default: 0) the number of milliseconds to wait after a step is executed.
after: 1000
# (default: 0) the number of times to attempt to retry a step or hook if it fails.
count: 3
# (default: 0) the number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a step.
delay: 1000
# (default: 0) the number of milliseconds to add to the delay on each retry attempt.
backoff: 2000
Add the following section to your cucumber-extra.yaml
# (default: true) whether or not type handling is enabled.
enabled: true
# the supported types.
# (default: true) convert number-like strings into numbers.
numbers: true
# (default: true) parse JSON strings into objects or arrays.
json: true
# (default: true) convert known keywords (null, true, false) into their literal values.
keywords: true
# (default: true) support for wrapping strings in single or double quotes.
# Note: this allows you to specify whitespace strings inside of gherkin tables!
literals: true
# (default: true) remove any hidden or zero-width spaces.
stripHiddenSpaces: true
This package allows for all step definition parameters including tables to be processed through a templating engine, which allows for the scenario context and any other relevant sources of data to be referenced directly from the feature file. Common uses for this functionality include:
Add the following section to your cucumber-extra.yaml
# (default: true) whether or not to enable templates.
enabled: true
# (default: handlebars) which template engine to use.
engine: handlebars
Using templating in a scenario:
Scenario: creating and then modifying an object
Given a "user" object is created in the system:
| name |
| Rob |
When object "{{}}" is updated:
| name |
| {{}}ert |
Note: the scenario context this
is automatically added to the template context.
Adding additional objects to the templating context:
const { addContext } = require('cucumber-extra');
// load your config into the context to reuse commonly needed values
Processing a value with the type and templating system:
const { processValue } = require('cucumber-extra');
contexts = []; // additional context objects to add.
const value = getValue("{{someValue}}", ...contexts);
Adding a custom templating engine:
const { addEngine } = require('cucumber-extra');
addEngine('custom-engine', (value, context) => {
let result = value;
// ... do something with the value and the context.
return result;
Template engines such as lodash templates and ejs are not supported out-of-the-box because they encourage the use of embedded javascript, which should be avoided if possible.