项目作者: acpo

项目描述 :
A python script to read a Mettler balance and pass the value to Excel
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/acpo/mettler_toledo_balance_to_excel.git
创建时间: 2019-11-13T20:13:49Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



A python script to read a Mettler balance and pass the value to Excel via https://github.com/xlwings/xlwings
An open-source version using Libre Office and Python is in another repository.


The python file and the Excel file need to be in the same directory.
In the Excel worksheet, assign a keystroke or make a button and assign a macro with the following:

  1. Sub Button1_Click()
  2. RunPython ("import balance_read_mettler; balance_read_mettler.get_mass()")
  3. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
  4. End Sub

As written the Excel macro writes the mass passed to it by python, then moves one cell to the right ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select If you want to move down one cell instead then you would use (1, 0).


  • xlWings addin for Excel (xlwings.xlam). Read the instructions at https://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/addin.html#xlwings-addin
  • xlwings Python library (usually pip install xlwings)
    This was tested on a Mettler Toledo XS105 connected via an RS-232 to USB cable on a Windows 7 system using Python 2.7.

Port settings

The port settings are in the .py file. You will likely need to change the port='COM1' to your relevant COM port. This is for a Windows OS. The relevant port settings for MacOS or Linux are commented out in the .py file.

Other good ideas

https://github.com/janelia-pypi/mettler_toledo_device_python has some good, clever, and better ideas about how to communicate with a Mettler balance.