项目作者: wcm-io-devops

项目描述 :
Ansible Role aem-dispatcher
项目地址: git://github.com/wcm-io-devops/ansible-aem-dispatcher.git
创建时间: 2017-07-10T09:18:27Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0



This role installs the AEM Dispatcher Apache module on Debian/Ubuntu or RHEL/CentOS servers. It will also ensure that Apache itself is installed (by depending on the geerlingguy.apache role).

This role was developed as part of the
wcm.io DevOps Ansible Automation for AEM
to integrate Ansible with
CONGA but can be used independently of


This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher and works with Dispatcher 4.2.x or higher. It requires the Dispatcher installation tarball which can be supplied as file or retrieved from a Maven/RPM/APT repository, an HTTP URL or a S3 bucket (see below).

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

  1. aem_dispatcher_version: 4.3.3

The dispatcher version to install.

  1. aem_dispatcher_ssl_support: true

Whether to install the Dispatcher version which supports SSL for communication with the render instance.

  1. aem_dispatcher_port: 80

The http port the webserver is listening on

  1. aem_dispatcher_port_ssl: 443

The https port the webserver is listening on

  1. aem_dispatcher_download_path: /tmp

Path to download the Dispatcher tarball to.

  1. aem_dispatcher_tarball_name:

Name of the Dispatcher tarball to use for installation. When not specified, the role will automatically build the name from the target environment (Apache version, architecture etc.) and dispatcher_version.

  1. aem_dispatcher_tarball_sha1:

SHA1 checksum of the Dispatcher tarball. Currently this is used to check the integrity of an existing download and files downloaded via URL.

  1. dispatcher_install_source: file

The installation source to fetch the installation tarball from. Can either be file, package, url, s3 or maven_repository.

  1. aem_dispatcher_url: "http://host:port/path/{{ dispatcher_tarball_name }}"
  2. aem_dispatcher_url_username:
  3. aem_dispatcher_url_password:

URL, username and password for retrieving the installation file from an URL.

  1. aem_dispatcher_s3_bucket: aem-installation-artifacts
  2. aem_dispatcher_s3_object: "{{ dispatcher_tarball_name }}"
  3. aem_dispatcher_s3_access_key:
  4. aem_dispatcher_s3_secret_key:

Bucket, object (path) and credentials for retrieving the installation file from an S3 bucket.

  1. aem_dispatcher_maven_repository_coordinates:
  2. - {
  3. group_id: group.id,
  4. artifact_id: artifact.id,
  5. repository_url: 'https://repo.url'
  6. version: "{{ dispatcher_version }}",
  7. classifier: "{{ dispatcher_apache_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ ansible_architecture | regex_replace('_', '-') }}",
  8. }
  9. aem_dispatcher_maven_repository_username:
  10. aem_dispatcher_maven_repository_password:

Maven coordinates for retrieving the installation file from a Maven repository. Version and classifier are build automatically from the target environment and dispatcher_version if not specified (as for the filename).

  1. aem_dispatcher_dependency_apache: true

Enables/disables the execution of the apache role dependency.

  1. # aem_dispatcher_apache_server_root: /etc/apache2

Overwrites the os family specific apache server root.


This role depends on the wcm_io_devops.apache role for installing Apache.

Example Playbook

Installs AEM in /opt/adobe/aem-author:

  1. - hosts: webserver
  2. roles:
  3. - { role: wcm_io_devops.aem_dispatcher, aem_dispatcher_version: 4.3.2 }


Apache 2.0