Smoke tests for AEM author and AEM publish
This role runs smoke tests on AEM author and AEM publish instances based
upon a CONGA configuration. The tests use the build in test
functionality of the replication agents.
The following tests are executed:
This role was developed as part of the DevOps Ansible Automation for AEM
to integrate Ansible with
This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher and works with AEM 6.0 or
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
conga_aemst_publish_test_pattern: "succeeded"
The text to search for on the publish test result page.
conga_aemst_publish_test_timeout: 60
The timeout for the publish test.
conga_aemst_flush_test_pattern: "succeeded"
The text to search for on the flush test result page.
conga_aemst_flush_test_timeout: 60
The timeout for the flush test.
conga_aemst_user: "{{ conga_config.quickstart.adminUser.username | default('admin')}}"
The username to use.
conga_aemst_password: "{{ conga_config.quickstart.adminUser.password | default('admin')}}"
The password to use.
This role depends on the
wcm_io_devops.conga_facts role
for accessing the CONGA configuration model.
- hosts: localhost
- wcm_io_devops.conga_maven
# run smoke tests for aem-author
- hosts: "&{{ conga_environment }}:aem-author"
environment: "{{ proxy_env | default({}) }}"
conga_node: aem-author
conga_role_mapping: aem-cms
- wcm_io_devops.conga_aem_smoke_test
# run smoke tests for aem-publish
- hosts: "&{{ conga_environment }}:aem-publish"
environment: "{{ proxy_env | default({}) }}"
conga_node: aem-publish
conga_role_mapping: aem-cms
- wcm_io_devops.conga_aem_smoke_test