项目作者: mohitkhedkar

项目描述 :
Git Project Initialization Automation
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mohitkhedkar/Git-Automation.git
创建时间: 2020-10-20T17:14:41Z

开源协议:MIT License


Git Project Initialization Automation

GitHub last commit


For making public repo:

  1. $ create.py -n <repo name>
  2. or
  3. $ create.py --name <repo name>

For making private repo:

  1. $ create.py -n <repo name> -p
  2. or
  3. $ create.py --name <repo name> --private

Git Commands we are Automating:

  1. $ git init
  2. $ touch README.md
  3. $ git add .
  4. $ git commit -m "Initial commit"
  5. $ git branch -M main
  6. $ git remote add origin <remote repo link>
  7. $ git push -u origin main


Open the Command prompt

  1. git clone https://github.com/mohitkhedkar/Git-Automation.git
  2. cd Git-Automation
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. register.py

add GITHUB TOKEN , GITHUB USERNAME & REPOPATH in the Registration Window and SUBMIT

For running command from anywhere on system:

  1. path:
  2. "Git-Automation" folder directory to path

Getting the Github Token:

Go to Github Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token -> Note: git automation

Scopes required:
  • repo
    • repo:status
    • repo_deployment
    • repo:invite
    • repo:invite
    • security events
  • workflow
  • write:packages
    • read:packages
  • delete:packages
  • [x] admin:org

    • write:org
    • read:org

    Click->Generate Token
    Copy the generated token and paste in Registration Window.


  1. Megha Pal.
  2. Niraj Patil.
  3. Mohit Khedkar.