Chef library cookbook for creating Jenkins jobs
This cookbook extends the already awesome Jenkins cookbook to provide a set of resources to make Jenkins job generating a little more painless,
heavily leverages templates and partial templates.
The tests and fixture cookbooks in tests
and tests/fixtures
are intended to be a source of examples.
All resources support auto-generation of nested folders. Common attributes for all job types:
- String, name_property: truedescription
- String, default: ‘Generated by Chef’display_name
- , Stringtemplate
- String, default: ‘freestyle-config.xml.erb’include_templates
- Array, default: []auto_create_folders
- [true, false], default: trueThis resource creates one or more folder items in Jenkins. Requires the CloudBees Folders plugin to be installed.
This resource creates a Jenkins freestyle job.
This resource creates a Jenkins Pipeline job. Requires the Pipeline plugin and it’s dependencies to be installed.
This resource creates a Jenkins Github organization job. Requires the Pipeline plugin and it’s dependencies to be installed.
This resource creates a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline job. Requires the GitHub Branch Source plugin and it’s dependencies to be installed.