项目作者: ThiagoBarradas
项目描述 :
Rancher Upgrader! - Upgrade, rollback and finish upgrade from Azure DevOps Pipelines
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ThiagoBarradas/rancher-vss-ext.git
Rancher Upgrader
Easy upgrade, rollback and finiish upgrade in your rancher cluster.
Add a new task, select Rancher Upgrader from the Deploy category and configure it as needed.
Rancher Upgrader Service
Rancher Rollback Last Upgrade
Rancher Finish Last Upgrade
Rancher Get Current Version
Env Var Ouput:
For task Rancher Get Current Version
Parameters include:

- Service API Url: Ranchel API URL to service. e.g. http://rancher.mycompany.com:8080/v2-beta/projects/{projectId}}/services/{serviceId}
- Access Key: Access Key generated in Rancher (‘API’ > ‘Keys’)
- Secret Key: Secret Key generated in Rancher (‘API’ > ‘Keys’)
- Force Finish: Force finish before upgrade, if last upgrade is pending
- Wait Complete: Wait upgrade and new services up
- Image: Image slug name or full address. e.g. docker.azurecr.io/xxx/my-image
- Tag: New tag. e.g. ‘master-20190701.1’, ‘1.5.3’ or ‘latest’
- Install Docker: This task needs docker to work, if you haven’t it installed, check this box. Works only with linux
- Environment Vars Prefix: Import all env vars with this prefix to container
- Additional Environment Vars: Import this env vars to container
Release notes
New in 1.1.4
- Add env vars by prefix;
- Add env vars by name;
- Add option to install docker (only linux)
New in 1.0.18
- Fix get current version task output;
- Add docs for env vars output;
New in 1.0.17
- Add get current version task;
New in 1.0.16
- First version with basic commands;
- Upgrade service;
- Rollback last upgrade;
- Finish last upgrade;
- Change image or tag;
- Force finish before upgrade;
- Wait results to continue tasks (success) or abort (fails);
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