项目作者: SamSamhuns

项目描述 :
ETL Data pipeline to download tweets using Tweepy and the twitter-streaming-api, save in an MySQL db, and analyze tweet sentiments.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/SamSamhuns/ml_sentiment_analysis_etl.git
创建时间: 2019-09-25T17:21:26Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Extract Transform Load Data Pipelines for sentiment analysis

ETL pipeline for sentiment analysis of live Twitter Streaming API feeds based on keywords, userids or geolocation

Download tweets with twitter api, load in an MySQL db, and analyze tweet sentiments all in an ETL pipeline.


  • Python 3
  • Twitter account and API credentials (Access Token from a Twitter app)
  • MySQL database server


  • Make sure Python is installed and set up a Python virtualenv. Install all dependencies from requirements.txt.
  1. $ pip install virtualenv
  2. $ virtualenv venv/bin/activate
  3. $ source venv/bin/activate
  4. $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run setup_configuration.py to use a command prompt to enter all required configurations and generate a twitter_configuration.ini file.

  • Or, manually add the required CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_TABLE, and MYSQL_PASSWORD to the twitter_sent_analysis/twitter_configuration.ini file. (Warning: DO NOT UPLOAD THIS CONFIGURATION FILE ONLINE)

  • Install MySQL server and set up a database instance to store the downloaded tweets. For example CREATE DATABASE twitter_db;

  • Based on the Twitter documentation online, we create a TABLE with the following sample schema present in twitter_sent_analysis/sql/TWEETS_BY_KEYWORD_schema.sql for downloading tweets by keyword. The sample schema for downloading tweets by userid are present in twitter_sent_analysis/sql/TWEETS_BY_USERID_schema.sql:

  3. tweet_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  4. tweet TEXT NOT NULL,
  5. created_at VARCHAR(50),
  6. tweet_place VARCHAR(255), /* Nullable object */
  7. favorite_count INT(11), /* Nullable object */
  8. retweet_count INT(11) NOT NULL,
  9. reply_count INT(11) NOT NULL,
  10. user_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  11. user_location VARCHAR(255), /* Nullable object */
  12. user_followers_count INT(11) NOT NULL,
  13. user_friends_count INT(11) NOT NULL,
  15. );
  • The table creation SQL command can loaded into twitterdb using:
  1. $ mysql -u root -p twitter_db < TWEETS_BY_KEYWORD_schema.sql;
  2. $ mysql -u root -p twitter_db < TWEETS_BY_USERID_schema.sql;


IMPORTANT: The MySQL Table names must be changed in twitter_configuration.ini to save data in different tables or generate sentiment.

1. To download latest tweets as zipped JSON files based on keyword, userid or geolocation

Make sure the Twitter secret keys and tokens are set up in twitter_configuration.ini.

From inside the twitter_sent_analysis directory, run:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_as_json.py [-FLAG] [FILENAME]

-FLAG can be set to -t for keyword search -f for userid search and -l for location search.

The input files should be a files containing the search terms in each line seperated by newline chars. (i.e. see inputs/keywords.txt)


To download latest tweets based on keywords from inputs/keywords.txt:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_as_json.py -t inputs/keywords.txt

2. To download latest tweets into MySQL based on keyword, userid or geolocation

Make sure the MYSQL_TABLE is set to the correct table for the download_type. i.e. For downloading using keyword filters, inside twitter_configuration.ini, set TABLE to TWEETS_BY_KEYWORD or the relevant table.

From inside the twitter_sent_analysis directory, run:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py [-FLAG] [FILENAME]


  • To get help, run:
  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py -h

-FLAG can be set to -t for keyword search -f for userid search and -l for location search.

The input files should be a files containing the search terms in each line seperated by newline chars. (i.e. see inputs/keywords.txt)


To download latest tweets based on keywords from inputs/keywords.txt:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py -t inputs/keywords.txt

To download latest tweets based on userids from inputs/userids.txt:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py -f inputs/userids.txt

To download latest tweets based on geolocations from inputs/locations.txt:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py -l inputs/locations.txt

Filters can be combined as well. To download latest tweets based on userids from inputs/userids.txt and keywords from inputs/keywords.txt:

  1. $ python download_tweets_data_to_mysql.py -f inputs/userids.txt -t inputs/keywords.txt

For more documentation: go to the Twitter Streaming API documentation page

3. Sentiment analysis on the downloaded tweets in the MySQL database

After the tweets have been loaded into the MySQL database, the gen_tweets_sentiment_from_mysql.py can generate a tweets csv file, sentiment results, and a wordcloud based on word-frequency.

Generating the sentiment analysis

  1. $ python gen_tweets_sentiment_from_mysql.py -sent

Generating the csv tweet file

  1. $ python gen_tweets_sentiment_from_mysql.py -csv [csv_filename]

Generating the word cloud

  1. $ python gen_tweets_sentiment_from_mysql.py -wc [wc_filename]

Note: The flag options can be used together as well:

To generate sentiment, the word cloud and the csv tweet file:

  1. $ python gen_tweets_sentiment_from_mysql.py -wc [wc_filename] -csv [csv_filename] - sent

Sample wordcloud from tweets downloaded based on keywords ‘batman’ and ‘joker’.

Cleaning the Tweet data

Preprocessing steps for Natural Language Processing

  1. Normalization Convert all words to lowercase. Remove single chars which do not give much information

  2. Removing extraneous information Remove stop words (i, the, a, an, nltk library has a decent list), punctuation, diacritical marks, and HTML

  3. Tokenization Convert text into tokens using TextBlob

  4. Lemmatisation Convert words to their canonical form (i.e. eating and ate to eat)

  5. Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Checking importance of words based on Frequency across main document or other multiple documents

We pass our pre-processed text into the TextBlob class and run the sentiment.polarity method of the object to a get a sentiment scores between -1 and 1 that can be converted to integers -1, 0, or 1 signalling a negative, neutral, or positive sentiment respectively.

ETL pipeline for sentiment analysis of Rotten Tomatoes Movie Reviews

Data Description

The dataset is comprised of tsv files with phrases from the Rotten Tomatoes dataset. Sentences have been shuffled from their original order. Each Sentence has been parsed into many phrases by the Stanford parser. Each phrase has a PhraseId. Each sentence has a SentenceId. Phrases that are repeated (such as short/common words) are only included once in the data.

train.tsv contains the phrases and their associated sentiment labels. SentenceId can be used to track which phrases belong to a single sentence.
We attempt to assign a sentiment label to each phrase in test.tsv which contains just phrases.

The sentiment labels are:

  • 0 negative
  • 1 somewhat negative
  • 2 neutral
  • 3 somewhat positive
  • 4 positive


  • python dependencies from requirements.txt



Run sentiment analysis from previously downloaded RT reviews from Kaggle

With the venv activated, from inside the rotten_tomatoes_movie_reviews_sent_analysis directory, run:

  1. $ python gen_rt_review_sentiment.py
