HEROku INfrastructure as code
npm install heroin-js
export HEROKU_API_TOKEN=your_heroku_api_token
create file heroku.js
var heroin = require('heroin-js');
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN);
configurator({name: 'my-test-widget'});
node heroku.js
var heroin = require('heroin-js');
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN);
configurator.export('my-test-widget').then(function(result) {
var heroin = require('heroin-js');
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN);
name: 'my-test-pipeline',
apps: {
review: 'review-app',
development: 'development-app',
staging: 'staging-app',
production: ['production-app-1', 'production-app-2']
configurator.pipeline('my-test-pipeline').then(function(result) {
var heroin = require('heroin-js');
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN);
name: 'my-test-team',
default: true,
members: [
{ email: 'someone@example.com', role: 'admin' },
'someoneelse@example.com' // will have a member role by default
// credit card info is required to create a team, but not to manage it
address_1: process.env.ADDRESS,
city: process.env.CITY,
country: process.env.COUNTRY,
card_number: process.env.CARD_NUMBER,
cvv: process.env.CVV,
expiration_month: process.env.EXPIRATION_MONTH,
expiration_year: process.env.EXPIRATION_YEAR,
first_name: process.env.FIRST_NAME,
last_name: process.env.LAST_NAME
configurator.team('my-test-team').then(function(result) {
var sampleConfiguration = {
acm: false,
name: 'myapp',
region: 'eu',
maintenance: false,
team: 'ACME',
stack: 'cedar-14',
config_vars: {
NODE_ENV: 'production'
addons: {
sumologic: {plan: 'sumologic:test'},
librato: {plan: 'librato:nickel'},
'heroku-redis': {plan: 'heroku-redis:premium-0'},
logentries: {plan: 'logentries:le_starter'}
collaborators: [
email: 'someonespecial@example.com',
permissions: ['view', 'deploy']
features: {
'runtime-dyno-metadata': {enabled: false},
'log-runtime-metrics': {enabled: true},
'http-session-affinity': {enabled: false},
preboot: {enabled: true},
'http-shard-header': {enabled: false},
'http-end-to-end-continue': {enabled: false}
formation: [{process: 'web', quantity: 2, size: '1X'}],
log_drains: [
domains: ['mydomain.com', 'otherdomain.com'],
buildpacks: ['https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs#yarn']
Heroku addons are fairly limited in what you can configure. Imagine e.g. you may want to configure monitoring alerts in the monitoring addon.
It’s not possible in the Heroku API. We need to make direct calls to the monitoring provider API. HeroIn provides extension mechanism with plugins.
You can add a plugin with a matching addon name and inside the value object you specify extension with configure/export functions.
In the example below we’re extending a librato addon with the alerts extension. Configure and export functions should provide promise based interface.
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN);
librato: {
alerts: {
configure: function (config, configVars) {
// make your API call here
console.log('Configuring plugin with config ', config, 'and additional config vars', configVars);
return Promise.resolve();
export: function () {
// make your API call here
return Promise.resolve({conf: 'alerts_config_placeholder'});
name: 'simple-widget',
region: 'eu',
config_vars: {
addons: {librato: {plan: 'librato:development', alerts: {conf: 'alerts_config_placeholder'}}},
collaborators: ['mateusz.kwasniewski@schibsted.pl']
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN, {logLevel: 'INFO'});
Actual values:
If you want to skip certain actions, specify them in options.skipActions when creating the configurator.
Currently only supports ‘collaborators’ and ‘logDrains’
var configurator = heroin(process.env.HEROKU_API_TOKEN, {skipActions: ['logDrains']});